
Thousands of Mental Health Advocates Participate in Virtual NAMI Walks Events

On May 30th, NAMI advocates from across the country united for A National Day of Hope. Thirty-three NAMIWalks Your Way events took place virtually, livestreaming and sharing activities and information about mental health throughout the day. Dozens of fall NAMIWalks also got in on the action and promoted A National Day of Hope and launched their walk campaigns. Thousands of participants raised funds and awareness of Mental Health for All by posting on social media and tagging #notalone and #mentalhealthforall.

This year, when our collective mental health needs are at their greatest, NAMI's programs and advocacy are more vital than ever. It is not too late--You can make a difference in the lives of those affected by mental illness by donating to your local NAMIWalks. For many events, you can still register and create a Facebook Fundraiser!

As NAMIWalks participants, we are role models for the cause of unity and commitment, bringing millions of people that much closer to their best mental health, and toward awareness of what we, NAMI, are able to do.

It's simpler than ever to join us for Mental Health For All! Funds stay local; the awareness is felt globally.

You can register and find out more about what your local NAMIWalks will be doing on NAMI Walks' website (

For more information about NAMI, visit their website ( or follow us on Facebook (@namibarringtonarea), Instagram (@namibarringtonarea) or Twitter (@namibarrington).

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