League of Women Voters of Illinois to host 'Bridging Divides' Feb. 10
The League of Women Voters of Illinois will hold its 2018 Issues Briefing "Bridging Divides: Cultivating Common Ground for Action" from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, at Conference Chicago at University Center, 525 S. State St., Chicago.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization and members learn all sides of an issue before coming to consensus on a position and advocating for legislation that supports that position. They are passionate about making democracy work for every individual in the nation but how can anything be achieved when the divides distract and hamper progress? They will explore this problem and discuss solutions in numerous issue areas. They look forward to hearing your ideas about how to bridge divides for the common good.
New members and League veterans will benefit. Nonmembers are welcome too.
Registration via mail is open. Online registration is available at www.lwvil.org/issues-briefing-registration-2018.html.
Cost for the all-day program is $60. It includes continental breakfast, boxed lunch, plenaries, workshops & materials and briefing packet.
Cost for the morning only is $30, which includes continental breakfast, plenary, workshop and materials and briefing packet.
The fee for the afternoon only program is $35 and includes boxed lunch, plenary, workshop and materials and briefing packet.
The morning programs will be "The Cost of Segregation," "Focusing on a Common Goal: Clean, Clear, Safe, Abundant Water," and "The Role of Property Taxes in Funding Education." The afternoon programs will be "A Public Health Approach to Preventing Firearm Injury and Death," "Making All Votes Count: Redistricting Update," and "ERA Advocacy and Activism."
Visit www.lwvil.org.