
Professional journalist hones her craft at COD

Elizabeth Quan Kíu Vazquez believes in lifelong learning. The Mexico native and long-time journalist has been taking classes at College of DuPage for several years and recently enrolled in a journalism course to help hone her skills.

“Since so much is constantly changing in the world, school is always needed,” the Brookfield resident said. “It's about refreshing what you already know and learning new technology to stay current.”

Vazquez came to the United States in the early 1990s, sponsored by a publication in Chicago. Journalism was a childhood dream and she was pleased to continue in her career. She currently works as a special assignment reporter for La Raza.

“Being back in the classroom is very exciting. It's a fresh perspective and a new door is opening to me,” she said.

While the general rules of reporting haven't changed, the technology used to report has evolved. With the birth of social media and, consequently, the creation of online community reporters, information is available through many more avenues than even a decade ago.

In addition to updating her skills, Vazquez is enjoying the wealth of knowledge at College of DuPage. A former ESL instructor, the 52-year-old said she's taught and visited other community college and COD feels more like a larger university. The campus environment, staff and professors all contribute to the institution's success, she said.

Of course, there are those who have questioned why a seasoned professional would choose to return to college, particularly when surrounded with so many younger students, Vazquez said.

“I don't feel the age difference,” she said. “Education is beneficial no matter what age you are. You never are too old to learn. It keeps your mind fresh.”

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