Easter egg hunts and activities
Get in the spring spirit with egg hunts for kids, dogs, and even adults; breakfasts and lunches with the Bunny; and even a helicopter egg drop. Here’s a sampling of upcoming events across the suburbs.
Saturday, March 16
Breakfast with the Bunny: 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 16, at St. Mark’s Lutheran, 27 S. Edgelawn Drive, Aurora. Aurora Noon Lions Club adds free vision screening to its annual all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast fundraiser. Free balloon art by Arlene from 9-11 a.m. and face painting by Gin Ingram from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Bring your camera for photos with the Bunny. $10 or $8 for age 3-12. All proceeds benefit Aurora Lions Club. Tickets at the door or online, facebook.com/auroralionsclub/.
Breakfast with Bunny: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16, Bridges of Popular Creek, 1400 Poplar Creek Drive, Hoffman Estates. Two seatings at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Bring your camera for photos with the Bunny. $14.95 for ages 4 to 12 or $23.95. Reservations via www.bridgesofpoplarcreek.com.
Easter Eggstravaganza: 9 and 10 a.m. Saturday, March 16, at ChapelStreet Church, 307 Banbury Road, North Aurora. Join in an indoor, scavenger hunt-style egg hunt and hear the story of Easter. Bring an Easter basket. chapelstreet.church.
Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, March 16. Two times at Community Park band shell, 1825 Short St., Lisle: 9:30 a.m. for ages 2 or younger and 10 a.m. for ages 3-5; and 10:15 a.m. for ages 6-10 at Lisle Discovery Playground, 1825 Short St. Bring a basket. $10-$12. Preregistration is required by 8 a.m. March 16 via www.lisleparkdistrict.org/easteregghunt.html.
Easter egg hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 16, St. Matthew United Church of Christ, 1420 S. Gables Blvd., Wheaton. Enjoy an Easter egg hunt and a visit from the Easter Bunny. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held indoors. Free. stmatthewucc.org.
Doggy Egg Hunt: 10-11 a.m. Saturday, March 16, Al Hattendorf Center, 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village. Plastic eggs with doggy treats will be hidden all over the grounds. There also will be a photo opportunity, an agility course and each dog will receive a giveaway. All dogs must be leashed; retractable leashes are not allowed. Preregistration is required; no walk-ups. $10-$12. www.elkgroveparks.org/event/doggy-egg-hunt/.
Bunny Bash: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 16, at Yorktown Center, 203 Yorktown Center, Lombard. Families are invited to gather in Center Court for an array of free activities, including balloon twisting, arts and crafts, and a Bunny Hop Dance Party. Additional attractions include face painting, character visits with Rapunzel and Tinkerbell, and pop-up shops for shopping and entertainment. The first 100 guests who present a Bunny Bash SMS text at check-in will receive a complimentary goodie bag. yorktowncenter.com/events/.
Sunday, March 17
Bunny Cares: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, March 17, at Yorktown Center, 203 Yorktown Center, Lombard. The sensory-friendly Easter Bunny experience is designed to create a calm atmosphere for children, with lower music volumes and snacks provided, allowing families to enjoy a peaceful visit with the Easter Bunny. Bunny Cares is reservation only. Families are encouraged to reserve one of the available time slots, with each allowing for seven families to ensure minimal wait times and a more personal experience. Sign up via yorktowncenter.com/events/.
Tuesday, March 19
Pet Photos with the Easter Bunny: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, at Yorktown Center, 203 Yorktown Center, Lombard. Hosted by Lombard Veterinary Hospital. Photo packages start at $19.95 for two prints, with options for additional prints and digital downloads available. (Personal photography is not allowed.) yorktowncenter.com/events/pet-photos-with-the-easter-bunny/.
By March 20
Palatine Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at Falcon Park Recreation Center outdoor field, 2195 N. Hicks Road, Palatine. Open to ages 9 and younger, egg hunts will start approximately every 20 minutes. Enjoy arts and crafts, music, and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny. Preregistration will close at noon March 20 at palatinejaycees.org.
Thursday, March 21
Egg Hunt for Adults: 8:30-9:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21, at the Boathouse, 645 Lenox Road, Glen Ellyn. Adults-only egg hunt with hundreds of goodies hidden throughout the park. Light snacks and beverages provided before the hunt begins. Prize baskets will go to a few lucky hunters. Dress for the weather. $15-$30. Sign up at gepark.org/calendar/.
Friday, March 22
Egg-Mazing Race & Twilight Egg Hunt: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, March 22, Wheeler Park, off Route 31, Geneva. Teams of four, ages 10 to 16, compete in various physical and mental challenges in order to solve clues around Wheeler Park. Top teams will earn prizes, including gift certificates to local businesses. Afterward, join in a nighttime egg hunt. Eggs filled with prizes and candy will be scattered in the designated egg hunt arena. Collect as many eggs as you can before they are all gone. $5-$8. Register in advance only at www.genevaparks.org.
Kids’ Castle Dragon Egg Hunt: 7-8 p.m. Friday, March 22, Deerpath Park, 299 Onwentsia Road, Vernon Hills. Dragon eggs have been spread all over Kids’ Castle. Bring your flashlight to this evening hunt for ages 8-12. $3-$4. www.vhparkdistrict.org.
Flashlight Egg Hunt: 7:15-8:30 p.m. Friday, March 22, at ARC Center, 201 W. National, West Chicago. A new twist on the traditional egg hunt for ages 3 to 12. The Easter Bunny will be available for pictures. Preregistration is required. All children must be accompanied by an adult. $10-$12. Register at www.we-goparks.org/special-events.
Flashlight Egg Hunt: 7:30-8:20 p.m. Friday, March 22, Bower Elementary School, 4S241 River Road, Warrenville. Grab a flashlight and hunt for candy-filled eggs. Sign up for time slots: special needs at 7:30 p.m., followed by various age groups up to 13 or older. $6-$9. www.warrenvilleparks.org.
Saturday, March 23
Safety Town Easter Egg Hunt: 8-11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at Safety Town, 301 Civic Center Plaza, Glendale Heights. Glendale Heights Police Department will supply egg hunt bags. Sign up for a time slot via www.glendaleheights.org.
Geneva Park District Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt: 8:15 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center, 3507 Kaneville Road, Geneva. Two seating times for breakfast: 8:15 and 10:15 a.m. It includes photos with the Easter Bunny. There will be two designated egg hunt areas: one for children ages 4 and younger, and one for ages 5 and older in the soccer fields. Free egg hunt begins promptly at 10 a.m. Register for breakfast ($5-$8) at www.genevaparks.org.
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny: 8:30-11 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Center for Senior Citizens, 260 Civic Centre Plaza, Glendale Heights. All-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Get a photo with the Easter Bunny for $3. $3-$5. No registration required. www.glendaleheights.org.
Dundee Township Park District egg hunt: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 23, at Randall Oaks Recreation Center outdoor fields, 500 N. Randall Road, West Dundee. Sign up for time slots for egg hunts for ages 2-8. $5-$9. Register by noon March 22 via www.dtpd.org/egg-hunts.
Easter Eggstravaganza: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at The Orchard, 1301 S. Grove Ave., Barrington. Egg hunts, crafts, games, entertainment, and prizes. Attend the Resurrection Party at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. in the Worship Center. Register for age-level egg hunts. Crafts, games, snacks, and other activities throughout the morning. Register: www.theorchard.church/easter-at-the-orchard.
EGGstraordinary Easter Experience: 9-11 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, 950 Hart Road, Batavia. Children age 1 through third grade can take a guided tour through the Easter story. Tours, about 20 minutes long, are scheduled to run every 10 minutes. After the egg hunt, chalk a sidewalk with parts of the Easter story. Register at immanuelbatavia.org/easter.
Algonquin Egg Hunt: 9:30 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 23, at Algonquin Lakes Park, 700 Lake Plumleigh Way. This year, due to construction, it’s at a new location. This event is geared toward younger children with a chance to visit with the Bunny before and after the egg hunt. Areas will be divided by age. Get a picture with the Bunny starting at 9:30 a.m., followed by the hunt at 10 a.m. Free. www.algonquin.org.
Bloomingdale Lions Club Easter egg hunt: 9:30 a.m. sharp Saturday, March 23, Circle Park, 163 Fairfield Way, Bloomingdale. In addition, there's a quiet and accessible opportunity, an Eggceptional Easter Egg Trunk Hunt in the JRC parking lot immediately after the Circle Park hunt. Free. www.bloomingdaleparks.org.
Bloomingdale Bunny Bash: 9:30-11 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Circle Park, 163 Fairfield Way, Bloomingdale. Photos with the Bunny; Bloomingdale Public Library Bookwalk; bounce house; food trucks; crafts; coloring contest; and entertainment. Dress for the weather. Only a few limited activities will be moved indoors if there is inclement weather. Free. www.bloomingdaleparks.org.
Batavia Easter egg hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at West Main Community Park, 40W101 Main St., Batavia. For ages 2 to 8. Come early to see the Easter Bunny. Bring a basket. Free. bataviaparks.org/special-events.
Bensenville Park District’s annual Egg Hunt and Eggstravaganza: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 23, Bensenville Water Park & Splash Pad and the Deer Grove Leisure Center, 1000 W. Wood St. At 10 a.m. for age 3 or under, with other age groups commencing at 10:15 (ages 4-5) and 10:30 a.m. (ages 6-7). The hunt begins at 10:45 a.m. for ages 8-9 and those age 10 and older will begin at 11 a.m. Thousands of candy-filled eggs will be scattered across splash pad, just waiting to be found. Bring a bag or container. After the egg hunt, stop by the center for fun and games, crafts and inflatables. Take photos with the Easter Bunny until the event ends at 12:30 p.m. The event is free, and no registration is necessary. Photos will be posted the following week on BvilleParks.org.
Community Egg Hunt Extravaganza: 10 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at Arlington Heights Historical Museum, 110 W. Fremont St. Ages 10 or younger can find treat-filled eggs starting promptly at 10 and 11 a.m., noon or 1 p.m. Each child must be accompanied by one adult. $10 per child or $4 for historical society members. Register at www.ahpd.org.
Easter egg hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 357 Division St., Elgin. Egg hunt and activities for the kids. holytrinityelgin.com/.
Elburn Lions Easter Egg Hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at Community Park, 500 Filmore St., Elburn. Registration opens at 9 a.m., with the first hunt at 10 a.m. Also, free children's vision screening and continental breakfast. Get photos with the Easter Bunny. No reservations needed. elburnlions.com.
Hampshire egg hunt: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 23, Seyller Park, 400 E. Jefferson, Hampshire. Hosted by Hampshire Park District and Ella Johnson Memorial Public Library District. Arrive early and meet at the top of the hill; egg hunt starts at 10 a.m. sharp. After, watch the Easter Bunny arrive on the Hampshire fire truck. Visit with the bunny and receive this year’s coloring contest page, play games, hop on the fire truck, and try something off the menu at the new Waffadilla food truck. Free. RSVP via facebook.com/hampshireparkdistrict.
Pooched Egg Hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at South Elgin Dog Park in County Park, 225 S. Water St., South Elgin. A hunt in both run areas; dogs will participate based on size. The Bunny will be on-site for photos, depending on the weather. www.southelgin.com.
St. Charles Easter egg hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Pottawatomie Park, 8 North Ave., St. Charles. For ages 9 and younger. Arrive 15 minutes early and bring your own basket. Parents are asked to keep children behind all lines and wait for the signal in order to avoid false starts and to be fair to everyone, and to limit their child to 10 eggs. Rain or shine. Free. www.stcparks.org/events/.
Community Easter Egg Hunt: 10-11 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Northside Park, 1300 N. West St., Wheaton. Local real estate and financial professionals host a free egg hunt promptly at 10:30 a.m. with the Easter Bunny, and doughnuts and coffee. Free. facebook.com/KendraSchultzRealEstate/.
Hound Egg Hunt: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 23, Fred P. Hall Amphitheatre, 256 E. Palatine Road, Palatine. Dogs will hunt for eggs filled with treats and have their picture taken with our bunny. No retractable leashes are permitted at the event, which includes a souvenir photo with the bunny, eggs, raffle entry and a goody bag for each dog. Registration deadline is at 4 p.m. Friday, March 22. www.palatineparks.org/event/hound-egg-hunt/.
Eggstravaganza, A Hop-tastic Egg Hunt: 10:15 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at Gallery Park, 2001 Patriot Blvd., Glenview. An egg hunt event at Little Bear Park specially designed to cater to three different age groups: infant to age 2 at 10:15 a.m. and ages 3-5 and 6-9 at 10:30 a.m. sharp. Fees are $6 for both residents and nonresidents. Register at glenviewparks.org.
Deerpath Egg Dash: 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 23, Deerpath Park, 299 Onwentsia Road, Vernon Hills. Time slots still open for ages 7-8. $5-$7. www.vhparkdistrict.org.
Easter Egg Hunt: 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at DeerGrove Covenant Church, 225 E. Helen Road, Palatine. An egg hunt, crafts and doughnuts. Free. www.deergrove.org.
Lombard egg hunt: 10:40-11 a.m. Saturday, March 23, at Lombard Common field, east of Paradise Bay Water Park. Kids up to age 10 can bring a basket and seek eggs, prizes and candy. Mr. Bunny may even make a guest appearance. Registration is not required. lombardparks.com/egg-hunt/. Register for the Bunny Brunch at 11:30 a.m. March 23 at the Community Building. The Bunny will be taking pictures with all registered children for a complimentary keepsake. Sign up for $18-$20 via lombardparks.com/bunny-brunch/ by March 15.
Maple Park Easter Egg Hunt: Noon Saturday, March 23, outside the Maple Park Library, 302 Willow St. Rain or shine. Infant to age 3 at noon, ages 4-6 at 12:05 p.m. and 7 or older at 12:10 p.m. Easter Bunny available for photos from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free; but the library is accepting monetary donations to help offset the costs. Registration is not required. sites.google.com/site/mapleparklibrary.
Easter Egg Hunt on the Farm at Susanna Farms: 1-4 p.m. Saturday, March 23, Susanna Farms, 24153 W. Town Line Road, Lake Villa. Toddler Egg Hunt is at 1:45 p.m., with the older kid hunt at 1:15 p.m. Space is limited, so register in advance. Pony rides from 2-4 p.m. for $5 for 5 minutes. $15 or $5 for adults and children not participating. www.susannafarms.net.
Easter EGGstravaganza: 1-4 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 1244 W. Army Trail Road, Carol Stream. This free event includes an egg hunt, bounce house, face painting, games, photo booth, and a walk-through the Easter story. Free. oursavior.com.
St. Charles Doggie Egg Hunt: 2-3 p.m. Saturday, March 23, River Bend Community Park, 6N517 Geneva Ave., St. Charles. The hunt begins promptly at 2 p.m. Get your pet a picture with the Easter Bunny. Several pet-friendly vendors will be on-site. All dogs must be kept on a non-retractable leash (maximum 6 feet), be current on all vaccinations and visibly wear tags. $5 per dog. Register at www.stcparks.org/events/.
Sunday, March 24
Easter Egg Hunt: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Road, Wheaton. Enjoy a traditional Easter Egg Hunt, children's craft, the movie “Hop,” and buffet brunch. Eggs will be scattered throughout the park all day; drop in any time. No reservations are required for the egg hunt or brunch. Free; parking is $5 per car. Brunch pricing is posted online. cantigny.org/event/easter-egg-hunt/.
Easter Egg Hunt for adults: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, March 24, Lynfred Winery, 15 S. Roselle Road, Roselle. Come by for a glass of wine to be entered into a special Easter egg hunt for ages 21 or older. Eggs will be placed inside the winery, as well as around the winery property. Find and pick your egg of choice (1 per customer). All eggs will contain candy, but some will also contain certificates for prizes such as Lynfred merchandise and local prizes from Roselle’s Main Street. No registration required. While supplies (i.e. eggs) last. www.lynfredwinery.com/winery-events/.
Easter Eggstravaganza: 11 a.m. Sunday, March 24, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 1145 N. Fifth Ave. (Route 25) in St. Charles. Annual event begins with an egg hunt at 11 a.m. There will be crafts, games and snacks. All are welcome. www.bethlehemluth.org.
Easter egg hunt: Noon Sunday, March 24, at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 18N377 Galligan Road, West Dundee. Free Easter Egg Hunt for children, infant to age 10, with four hunts - each done by age groupings. This event will be outside rain, shine, or snow so dress for the weather. Bring your own basket/bag to collect eggs. Be on time as the hunts move quickly. Coffee available for adults. Questions, call the church office at (847) 428-4054 and ask for Ann Lewis.
Easter Eggstravaganza: 1 p.m. sharp, Sunday, March 24, Living Waters Lutheran Church, 1808 Miller Road, Crystal Lake. With more than 4,000 eggs, the egg hunt is sectioned off by age groups, with ages 9-12 getting to go through the woods and hunt for eggs. Visit and take photos with the Easter Bunny. Free; bring a canned good or food item for the local food pantries. www.facebook.com/living.waters.528.
Floating Egg Hunt: 1-5 p.m. Sunday, March 24, Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center, 515 E. Thacker St., Des Plaines. Kids ages 1 to 10 can find and collect eggs in the pool; bring a basket. Stay after for a swim. $10-$15. Sign up for a time slot via www.dpparks.org.
Pool Egg Hunt: 1-3:45 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at Arlington Ridge Center, 660 N. Ridge, Arlington Heights. Come hunt for eggs at Arlington Ridge Center. Plastic eggs are filled with surprises and float in the pool. Children get to collect the eggs and take them home. Bags are provided. Stay after the event to meet the bunny and swim in the Family Activity Pool. For children ages 3-7. $12-$15. Register: www.ahpd.org.
Tuesday, March 26
Night Owl Egg Hunt: 7:40-8:10 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, Alcott Center, Buffalo Grove. Children, accompanied by an adult, should bring a flashlight and basket to collect the eggs. Preregistration is required; day-of registration not available. $7-$9. www.bgparks.org/night-owl-egg-hunt-2/.
Wednesday, March 27
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny: 8:45 and 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 27, at Pottawatomie Community Center, 8 North Ave., St. Charles. Decorate your own bunny-face pancake. Menu includes pancakes from Alexander’s Café 64, sausage, decorating supplies, fruit, juice, coffee and water. Get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny, create a special craft and wrap it all up with the Bunny Hop. $18 per person; free for ages 11 months or younger. Register at www.stcparks.org/events/.
Thursday, March 28
History of Ukrainian Easter Eggs: 1-2 p.m. Thursday, March 28, in St. Charles Public Library Huntley Room, 1 S. Sixth Ave. Pysanky eggs are nothing like the simple vinegar-dyed eggs you might have made as a kid. These eggs are decorated with a hot wax and indelible dye technique that is tricky and time-consuming. Denise Blaszynski will share the history and symbolism behind these beautiful and elaborate eggs, and demonstrate the process used to create them. Register: www.scpld.org.
Naperville Park District Flashlight Egg Hunt: Thursday, March 28, from 7:45-8:15 p.m. and 8:40 to 9:10 p.m. at Knoch Knolls Park Lower Picnic Grove, 320 Knoch Knolls Road, Naperville. Kids ages 9 to 13, are invited to bring a flashlight and hunt for prize-filled eggs under the stars. $15-$22. Register online at www.napervilleparks.org.
Elmhurst Park District Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt: 8 p.m. Thursday, March 28, behind Wilder Mansion at Wilder Park, 175 S. Prospect Ave. Ages 11-16 can search for prize eggs filled with candy, gift certificates and other prizes. No registration required. Held rain or shine. Free. www.epd.org.
Flashlight Egg Hunt in Winthrop Harbor: 8:15 p.m. Thursday, March 28, Schadler Building, 830 Sheridan Road, Winthrop Harbor. For ages 9-17. Bring a flashlight; no bags or baskets allowed. Free. winthropharbor.com.
Friday, March 29
Bunny Brunch at Lambs Farm: Friday and Saturday, March 29-30, at Magnolia Cafe & Bakery, 14245 W. Rockland Road, Libertyville. Start with a buffet then head over to the Lambs Farm Bunny Patch in the visitors center for spring crafts and time with the Easter Bunny. Seating times are at 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. $17.95 or $7.95 for ages 23 months or younger. Reservations are required at (847) 362-5050. lambsfarm.org.
Eggs-traordinary Egg Hunt: 9:15-11:45 a.m. Friday, March 29, Maryknoll Park, 845 Pershing Ave., Glen Ellyn. Springtime hunt for hidden eggs and goodies with a chance to take a photo with Hopper Cottontail. Two time slots for ages 6 or younger, with an adult: 9:15-10:15 a.m. and 10:45-11:45 p.m. $8-$12 per child. Register at gepark.org/gepdevent/eggstraordinary-egg-hunt/.
Easter Egg Scavenger “Hunt"ley: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, March 29, Huntley Area Chamber office in the Union Special building on Route 47. Check-in between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to get your first clue. Candy, giveaways, cash, prizes, and photo with the Easter Bunny. New route for returning participants. $5 per child. Register at www.huntleychamber.org.
Doggie Egg Hunt & Bunny Photos: 11 a.m.-noon Friday, March 29, at Wiggly Field Dog Park, 201 W. National St., West Chicago. A special dog friendly egg hunt, bonnet contest and photos with the bunny. Dogs must remain leashed at all times and proof of rabies vaccination is required to sign up for this event. $10-$12 per dog. www.we-goparks.org/special-events.
Sugar Grove doggie egg hunt: 3:30 p.m. sharp Friday, March 29, at the Prairie Building at Volunteer Park, 31 S. Main St., Sugar Grove. Dogs can sniff out treat-filled Easter eggs, socialize with other four-legged friends and take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Dogs must be leashed at all times. Free. Register via sgparks.org.
Sugar Grove Egg Hunt for Kids: 3:45-4:25 p.m. Friday, March 29, Volunteer Park, 31 S. Main St., Sugar Grove. For ages 10 and younger. Children will be divided into age groups. Bring a basket, as well as a camera for photos with the bunny. Free. Sign up for a time slot via sgparks.org.
Cottontail Trail: 5-7 p.m. Friday, March 29, Park Place Family Recreation Center, 550 S. Park Blvd., Streamwood. Cottontail Trail will allow children to collect candy and other goodies from different members of the community. There will also be an opportunity to take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Free. streamwoodparks.org/event/cottontail-trail-2/.
Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt & Hikes: 6-8 p.m. Friday, March 29, at Hickory Knolls Discovery Center, 3795 Campton Hills Drive, St. Charles. Take a hike through the natural area and bring a flashlight in search of treat-filled eggs along the trail. Learn about different animals that lay eggs. All ages welcome. $12. Sign up for a time slot via www.stcparks.org/events/.
Flashlight Egg Hunt: 8 p.m. Friday, March 29, Deicke Park woods, off Route 47, Huntley, Huntley. Ages 9-12 should bring a flashlight and hunt for prizes, gift cards and candy-filled eggs while under the stars in Deicke Park. $12 for residents, $15 for nonresidents. Register: www.huntleyparks.org.
Saturday, March 30
Elmhurst Park District egg hunt: 8 a.m. Saturday, March 30, Berens Park baseball fields, 493 N. Oaklawn Ave., Elmhurst. Two time sessions for ages 2-10: 8-9 a.m. and 9:30-10:30 a.m., rain or shine. Bring a basket; adults must accompany children. Food trucks on-site: Serna's Grill, Hello Boba and Flyin' Hawaiian. Free, but registration required at www.epd.org.
Mount Prospect Easter Egg Hunt: 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 30, Lions Recreation Center, 411 S. Maple St., Mount Prospect. Egg hunts begin promptly at the registered time. Bunny photo opportunities available after each hunt. Enjoy a take-home treat. Bring a basket and camera. Sign up at www.mppd.org/event/easter-egg-hunt-3/.
Wauconda Bunny Hop: 8 a.m. Saturday, March 30, at Cook Memorial Park, 600 N. Main St., Wauconda. Join STAR Charities for the 13th annual race. Choose a 4-mile race around Bangs Lake or a 2-mile fun run/walk around Cook Memorial Park. All participants receive an event T-shirt, finisher's medal, and the top age group finishers in the 4-mile race receive awards. All proceeds benefit the Wauconda Township Historical Society, Wauconda High School Future Business Leaders of America, and Wauconda Parks Foundation. $30-$40 or $15 for kids younger than 10. Sign up via facebook.com/STARCharities/
Egg Hunt with Bunny: Saturday, March 30, at three Hoffman Estates parks. Children ages 9 and younger will be divided into age groups. Egg hunts begin promptly at the starting time. Bring a basket. Attend only one of the egg hunts: 8:30 a.m. at Fabbrini Park, 1704 Glen Lake Road; 9:45 a.m. at Pine Park, 1675 Nicholson Drive; or 11 a.m. at Cannon Crossings Park, 1675 Nicholson Drive. Bunny will be on-site for photos. Free. www.heparks.org.
The Great Egg Hunt: 9 a.m. Saturday, March 30, at Frontier Sports Complex Softball Fields, 3380 Cedar Glade Drive, Naperville. Annual Naperville Jaycees tradition for ages 1-8 with lots of colorful eggs. It starts at 9 a.m. sharp. Only children ages 2 or younger may have help from a parent. Bring donations of nonperishable food and shelf-stable microwaveable meals to benefit DuPage Pads at the event; no glass containers, please. Event parking is limited. www.napervilleparks.org.
Easter Egg Hunt & Photos With the Easter Bunny: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 30, Town Square, 2007 Naperville Road, Wheaton. Enjoy complimentary photos with the Easter Bunny and festive egg hunt fun for children of all ages. www.townsquarewheaton.com.
Easter Party: 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 30, at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 680 S. Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn. Featuring an egg hunt for kids up to fifth grade, interactive walk-through Easter story, crafts for all ages. Must be accompanied by an adult. Rain or shine. Free; no registration required. www.southminsterpc.org.
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 30, in the Arcada Theatre Building, 105 E. Main St., St. Charles. Inaugural event takes place indoors for kids ages 10 or younger. Includes egg hunt (limit 10 per child), color contest, raffle baskets, face painting, balloon artist, photos with the Easter Bunny, as well as a holiday treat. $10 per child; only 100 tickets will be sold via www.arcadalive.com/event/easter-egg-hunt.
Hampshire Park District Doggie Egg Hunt: 10 a.m. sharp Saturday, March 30, at Dr. Tom Getzelman Dog Park at Rackow Park, 1363 Romke Road, Hampshire. Each dog may collect up to 15 treat filled eggs and have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Arrive early. All dogs must be leashed during the entire event. Free. No-day of registration. Sign up by noon March 29 via www.hampshireparkdistrict.org.
Huntley Park District egg hunt: 10 a.m. Saturday, March 30, Deicke Park, off Route 47, Huntley. Ages 2-8, separated by age groups, can join to collect eggs and hunt for prizes. Deicke Discovery Zone for those younger than 2 or with special needs. Photo opportunity with the bunny. Arrive 15 minutes early to allow for parking. One grand prize egg holds a season pass to Stingray Bay. Free; donations appreciated. www.huntleyparks.org.
Bunny Trail: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 30, at Lake in the Hills Village Hall, 600 Harvest Gate. Follow the bunny tracks as they wind around inside the village hall, leading you to a special photo opportunity with the Easter Bunny. Along the way, enjoy fun riddles and jokes that add an extra layer of joy to your journey. Bring a basket to collect eggs from the community partners. Preregister and save $3 for everyone attending. Register via www.lith.org.
Easter Celebration & Egg Hunt: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at Hosanna! Lutheran Church, 36W925 Red Gate Road, St. Charles. Kids ages 2-12, with an adult, can enjoy the Easter story, music, games, crafts, and snacks. Rain or shine. Free. HosannaChurch.com.
Easter egg hunt: 10-10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 30, Wasco Nursery & Garden Center, 41W781 Route 64, St. Charles. Kids ages 2 to 12 can search the greenhouses and garden center for prize-filled eggs. Treats include candy, spring flowers, gift cards and more. All proceeds go to educational programming offered with local organizations. $5. Sign up via www.eventbrite.com.
Antioch Easter Parade and Eggcellent Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, March 30. The parade steps off at 10:30 a.m. from Skidmore Drive, right on Park Avenue, right on to Main Street, right on Williams Street and back to Skidmore. The egg hunt, divided by age group, will follow at 11 a.m. at the band shell, 900 Skidmore Drive. Preregister for a $3 wristband at the parks office, 806 Holbek Drive; limit 10 eggs per child. Photos with the Easter Bunny. www.antioch.il.gov.
Elmhurst Park District Doggie Eggstravaganza: 11 a.m. Saturday, March 30, Berens Park, 493 N. Oaklawn Ave., Elmhurst. All dogs must be kept on a non-retractable leash (max 6 feet), be current on all vaccinations, and visibly wear tags. No prong collars, please. Dog must be accompanied by at least one person 16 or older. www.epd.org.
Helicopter-Dropped Easter Egg Hunt: 11 a.m. Saturday, March 30, Faith Lutheran Church, 3000 Liberty St., Aurora. Gates open at 10 a.m. A helicopter will fly in and hover next to the church while it drops thousands of Easter eggs for elementary school kids to hunt. Adults can join in the fun, too! Food, fun, games, and photos with the Easter Bunny will happen inside the church after. General admission with on-site parking is $17.85 or $14.64 with off-site parking. Reserve your tickets via discoveringfaith.com.
Easter Egg Hunt: 11 a.m. sharp Saturday, March 30, Hartmann Park, 292 Oakwood Road, Vernon Hills. Christ Church Vernon Hills’ annual event. Free. christchurchil.org.
Lunch & Parade with the Easter Bunny: 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30, Winthrop Harbor Schlader Building, 2700 Ninth St. $7 at the door. winthropharbor.com.
Sleepy Hollow Easter Egg Hunt: Noon sharp Saturday, March 30, at Sabatino Park, off Thorobred Lane. Divided into several age categories, including one for those with special needs. The Easter Bunny will mingle with the children and be available for photos. Free. www.sleepyhollowil.org.
Eggcellent Easter Celebration: 1-3 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at Elk Grove Historical Museum, 399 Biesterfield Road. An Easter egg hunt and Easter-themed crafts. The littlest patrons will have first dibs on egg hunting from 1-1:45 p.m., with the field opening up for all children 8 and younger at 2 p.m. after a quick egg refresh. $10. Preregistration required for egg hunt via www.elkgroveparks.org.
Easter egg hunt: 1 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at Melody Living, 525-555 Harvest Gate Road, Lake in the Hills. Bring your little bunnies ʻn baskets to meet the Easter Bunny and enjoy some sweet treats along with the Easter egg hunt. www.facebook.com/MelodyLivingLITH.
Bartlett Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt: 1:30 p.m. Saturday March 30, on the Bartlett Park District soccer fields located behind the Community Center, 700 S. Bartlett Road. There will be 5,500 eggs for the children to find. Multiple age groups (from infant to age 8 or older), so everyone has an opportunity. Free. www.bartlettil.gov.
Community Easter Egg Hunt: 3:45 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at Light of Christ Church, 1700 Longmeadow Parkway in Algonquin. Thousands of filled Easter eggs that will be spread out on the church lawn. Search areas will be divided into four different categories — toddlers, preschool and kindergarten, first- through fifth-graders, and special needs of all ages. Registration for raffle prizes begins at 3:45 p.m., with the raffle drawing and egg hunt kicking off at 4:15 p.m. www.easterinalgonquin.com.
Sunday, March 31
Easter egg hunts: Sunday, March 31, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Naperville. Outdoor egg hunts will be held after the 9 a.m. service at the church campus at 815 S. Washington, and after the 10:15 a.m. service at the Celebration campus, 919 S. Washington. www.oursaviours.com.
Easter egg hunt: 10 a.m. Sunday, March 30, The Presbyterian Church of Barrington, 6 Brinker Road, Barrington Hills. An egg hunt for children and a visit with the Easter Bunny at 10 a.m. between services. www.pcbarrington.org.
Easter egg hunt: 10:15 a.m. Sunday, March 31, at Memorial Park, 225 Karlskoga Ave. in Wheaton. Hosted by Gary United Methodist Church, children can hunt for thousands of candy-filled Easter eggs. garychurch.org.