Ty Inc. Donates 3,060 Toys to HSP's Needy Children
Today, Ty Inc., headquartered in Westmont, IL, donated 3,060 toys to Humanitarian Service Project (HSP). They made the donation because Jim Spence, the CEO of Thomas Pallet Rebuilders in Montgomery, IL, told them about the non-profit organization. Around mid-August, Spence took a tour of Humanitarian Service Project in Carol Stream, IL. After taking a tour of HSP, Spence immediately recognized how his connection to the company, Ty Inc., could potentially make a significant donation to HSP's Children's Birthday Project. He decided to make the call and ask if they would consider making a contribution. For over fifteen years, Jim Spence has been in contact with Dave Winter, of Ty Inc. About three weeks after the initial call, Ty Inc. made the donation of 1,620 Beanie Boos and 1,440 Beanie Puzzle Erasers. In order for the donation to be sent to HSP, Jim Spence provided the freight at no extra cost. Their combined efforts will help HSP's mission in alleviating the pain and suffering poverty brings to children living in DuPage and Kane Counties.
Ty Inc's generous donation will directly benefit HSP's Children's Birthday Project and The Christmas Offering. The Children's Birthday Project serves over 900 disadvantaged children, ages 3-11. Every year on the child's birthday they receive a “Birthday Box”, which includes 6-10 new toys, 6 books, stuffed animals as well as party and school supplies. Every box ensures that each child will have a fun-filled and memorable birthday. The Christmas Offering provides needy families with food and gifts during the Christmas season. The project serves over 150 needy families with groceries and 1,600 impoverished children with Christmas gifts. All of the families receive 250 lbs. of groceries which includes 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 7 frozen meats, 7 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread, a turkey, and 5 boxes of non-perishables weighing 25 pounds each. They also receive a special holiday meal. For individuals that are interested in contributing to The Children's Birthday Project or The Christmas Offering please contact HSP at (630) 221-8340.
About The Humanitarian Service Project
HSP's mission is to alleviate the pain and suffering that poverty creates in seniors and children living in DuPage and Kane Counties, Illinois. Last year during the Christmas Offering, 1,600 children received gifts and 100 impoverished families received three weeks of groceries, frozen meats, and fresh produce. With the Senior Citizen Project, HSP provides monthly food deliveries of 100 pounds including fresh produce, frozen meats, non-perishables, paper products and secret pal gifts to 123 low-income seniors. The Children's Birthday Project reaches the youngest underprivileged, making birthdays and Christmas truly memorable occasions for 900 children. Feed the Kids program provides 100 low-income families and 375 children with groceries and fresh produce worth $1,500 retail in total for the summer. HSP conducts an annual school supply drive, which sends supplies to the DuPage Back to School Fair in addition to furnishing schools and individual children with necessary supplies.
Contact HSP:
Email: hsp@humanitarianservice.org
Telephone: 630-221-8340
Website: www.humanitarianservice.org
Blog: humanitarianserviceproject.blogspot.com.
Address: 465 Randy Road, Carol Stream, IL 60188.