
Beaubien a voice of independence

As registered Republicans who know Dee Beaubien and have known her late husband, State Rep. Mark Beaubien, we attest to the accuracy of your headline Sept. 14 — “Beaubien: Nobody tells me what to do.”

Dee Beaubien’s opponent complains that American citizens who are Democrats are supporting Dee Beaubien. Well, given a choice between Beaubien, as a middle of the road candidate, and the extremism of Beaubien’s opponent, most of the people we talk to find Beaubien’s independence to be a welcome fresh breeze. She has demonstrated her strong convictions and principles, but unlike those of the radical right wing, her convictions and principles are in tune with most citizens of the 52nd House District.

Dee Beaubien has a long history of community and charitable service. She was one of the significant forces behind Hospice in Barrington.

Bill Braithwaite

Dyllis Braitwaite


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