Beaubien’s familiarity, experience important
Why is Dee Beaubien the ideal candidate to replace the late Mark Beaubien in House District 52? She knows the people; her work in community service and as a member of various youth services and “Y” board, as well as a principal fundraiser and board member of Hospice Foundation for Northeastern Illinois. Her experience with all age groups over several decades is phenomenal. The General Assembly needs a legislator like Dee Beaubien who has been a psychologist and family counselor for 30 years.
The kind of experience with the community and the individual gives her a credible voice for her constituents’ interests in an Assembly where she already knows 60 percent of the current legislature. She has always reasoned independently; and they know it in Springfield where she has often lobbied for Mark Beaubien’s legislation. They trust her. Trust is a powerful tool in breaking barriers, such as in finding a solution to the pension stalemate — the taxpayers’ nightmare.
Rosemary Kurtz
Former state representative District 64
Crystal Lake