

Help support Richmond Garden Club's largest charity fund-raiser.

The Richmond Garden Club will be hosting their 2012 Spring Floral Design Show on Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 P.M. at the Richmond-Burton High School in Richmond. Twice a year, the club hosts these shows to feature talented, local floral designers as they create beautiful spring and holiday-inspired centerpieces on stage. All creations are raffled at the end of the show. Many audience participants get to leave the show with a centerpiece of their own. Admission is $10.00 and includes a raffle ticket.

The money raised from these shows helps fund a college scholarship for the Richmond-Burton High School , where these shows are hosted in spring and fall. The club also donates each year to the local food pantry, the Nippersink Library, the Silver Trees Retirement Community, and the public schools.

Those interested in joining the Richmond Garden Club can call Nora Bowgren at 815-382-5114 or visit

For more information on our Fall Holiday or Spring Floral Design Shows, contact Barb Gallagos at 815-712-6162.

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