
See how it’s done, Washington?

Yesterday I attended a town-hall meeting sponsored by Michelle Mussman, our new state rep. All I knew of Ms. Mussman was she was highly recommended to me by my bride of 20 years. My wife, Terrie, attends PTA meetings like Harry Carry attended ball games. She said Michelle was a great part of the PTA.

Yesterday while the skies opened up and the rain poured this Michelle (a Democrat) teamed up with our state senator, John Millner, and spoke to 30 friends and neighbors at the Roselle Town Hall. Together they brought us up to date on current legislation, shared mutual frustrations with the state’s financial woes and worked together to make everyone in the room a little smarter.

Why is it that on a local level we can have Democrats and Republicans team together in respect and harmony, while our representatives in Washington choose to bicker and battle over Any and All subjects?

Michelle, thank you for taking out the time to bring us up to speed and thank you for inviting Sen. Millner and showing the world how two parties can work together. May we send you two to Washington?

Edward Poczatek
