
Barrington United Methodist Church Rummage Sale, Oct. 6-7

Do you love finding a great bargain? The Barrington United Methodist Women are busy preparing for their much anticipated annual "Rummage Sale" on Friday, October 6 and Saturday, October 7 at the Barrington United Methodist Church, 98 Algonquin Rd. (southeast corner of Routes 59 and 62) in Barrington.

The sale will take place Friday, Oct. 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Saturday shoppers can take advantage of their bargain Bag Sale, with all of the goodies you can fit into a $5 or $10 bag in selected departments and a half price sale in the French Room!

The sale fills up an entire wing of the church. The lower level contains clothing (men's, women's and children's), shoes, and children's toys. Departments upstairs include accessories, lamps, books, CD's, DVD's, house wares, tools, linens, holiday items, crafts, and fabrics. Bikes, sporting goods, children's large outdoor toys, and lawn items are just some of the items displayed outside. Countless volunteers help to sort, organize, and price the incredible array of items.

One of the outstanding areas not to be missed is the "French Room" filled with carefully selected, high quality items, including china, jewelry, clothing, antiques and collectibles, and other amazing treasures. "You can find most anything from designer label clothing and famous maker purses to fine china, lamps, and Christmas ornaments," said committee chair Mary Mellon. Other committee members include Norma Jung-Stein, Nancy Koutsis, Pam Larsen, Linda Osikowicz, Carolyn Schneider, Sandy Starnes, and Sydney Whitley.

The Barrington United Methodist Rummage Sale is not just another rummage sale. It's an institution in the community begun during the Depression. Started as a trade between families, it evolved into a rummage sale so others experiencing hard times could share the abundance. Now in its 84th year, it continues to serve the same purpose: help families extend their purchasing power during difficult economic times. "The sale is a great opportunity to find some unique treasures and bargains. But more importantly, it provides funds for many worthy organizations and provides families a way to stretch their budget with a selection of needed items at a low price," said committee member Carolyn Schneider.

Proceeds from the sale are distributed to many groups, including many local and Chicago-based organizations that work with women, children, and youth. Funds are also sent to the national organization of United Methodist Women, the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members who contribute to charitable programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.

"Donating items is a great way to 'be green'-it's a way of recycling and keeps usable items out of landfills," added Nancy Koutsis. Items that are not sold also find new homes. Seven years ago the committee made a conscious decision to recycle as much as possible, so items not sold are donated to other resale shops and organizations or recycled.

Donations of goods will be accepted from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 1; Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 2-3, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Wednesday, Oct. 4 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Tax donation receipts will be readily available. Any and all volunteers are welcome to help unpack, sort, and distribute merchandise.

"We are so thankful for the many, many individuals who contribute items to the sale, the businesses who offer their support, and to the many volunteers who help prepare for the sale. We all have a great time!" said Nancy Koutsis. "And more importantly we look forward to seeing the many customers who come year after year to take advantage of our many bargains and great finds."

For more information regarding donations and volunteering, please contact (847) 836-5540 or visit

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