
McDonald's Loves to See Children Smile on Their Birthday

The Working Mother's Council of McDonald's Corporation recently hosted the Helping Hands Summer Event, where McDonald's corporate employees and their children volunteer their time to participate in charity events. The council asked Humanitarian Service Project (HSP)among other local non-profit organizations to participate in the event. This summer, the volunteers have donated a total of 54 party-in-a box kits and 30 senior care kits. The kits will be used for HSP's Children's Birthday Project and Senior Citizen Project. The Working Mother's Council and HSP have built a lasting relationship since 2001. During each event, HSP volunteer speakers went to the McDonald's Plaza Building to teach the participants about HSP's projects. After the presentation, the participants made care kits that included personal care items such as shampoo and toothpaste in a bag as well as party-in-a-box kits that have streamers, balloons, plates, cups, and party favors. All of the continued support from McDonald's employees has helped HSP's mission in alleviating the pain and suffering poverty brings to children and the elderly living in DuPage and Kane Counties.

Heather Zeman, Head Chairperson of Working Mother's Council, has coordinated three Helping Hands summer events with HSP. There has been an event for each month of summer; June, July and August. For each event, different non-profit organizations talk to participants about their mission and what they do for the community. Other not-for-profits visits the council have supported are Feed My Starving Children and SCARCE. Zeman says the council wished for, “HSP to participate in the Helping Hands summer event for the second year in a row because of last year's success.” She said the children from last year's event enjoyed the making party-in-a-boxes, and wanted the children to have the same experience this year.

The volunteers from McDonald's Headquarters have been a tremendous support to all of HSP's projects. Their efforts serve needy seniors and families enrolled in HSP's programs. All of the seniors that are part of the Senior Citizen Project receive a monthly delivery of 100 lbs. of groceries including 15 types of fresh fruits and vegetables, 7 frozen meats, Pepperidge farm bread, 6 bags of non-perishables and paper products. In addition to their monthly grocery delivery, they receive a package of personal care items every three months. These groceries allow all of the seniors served in the project to eat three healthy, well-balanced meals every day. The Children's Birthday Project serves over 900 disadvantaged children, ages 3-11. Every year on the child's birthday they receive a “Birthday Box”, which includes 6-10 new toys, 6 books, stuffed animals as well as party and school supplies. Every box ensures that each child will have a fun-filled and memorable birthday.

About The Humanitarian Service Project

HSP's mission is to alleviate the pain and suffering that poverty creates in seniors and children living in DuPage and Kane Counties, Illinois. Last year during the Christmas Offering, 1,600 children received gifts and 100 impoverished families received three weeks of groceries, frozen meats, and fresh produce. With the Senior Citizen Project, HSP provides monthly food deliveries of 100 pounds including fresh produce, frozen meats, non-perishables, paper products and secret pal gifts to 123 low-income seniors. The Children's Birthday Project reaches the youngest underprivileged, making birthdays and Christmas truly memorable occasions for 900 children. Feed the Kids program provides 100 low-income families and 375 children with groceries and fresh produce worth $1,500 retail in total for the summer. HSP conducts an annual school supply drive, which sends supplies to the DuPage Back to School Fair in addition to furnishing schools and individual children with necessary supplies.

Contact HSP:


Telephone: 630-221-8340



Address: 465 Randy Road, Carol Stream, IL 60188.

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