Saturday Soapbox
He's golden:Less-than-gracious Evgeni Plushenko dissed Evan Lysacek's gold-medal performance when he said, "Now it's not men's figure skating, now it's dancing." Naperville native Lysacek's performance was one of grace, beauty and technical artistry - not acrobatics. He deserved the gold. And perhaps no one has worked harder for it.Suburbs have talent:Good luck to three suburbanites on American Idol - Lee DeWyze of Mount Prospect, John Park of Northbrook and Jermaine Sellers of Joliet.We need a truce:Grafton Township Supervisor Linda Moore does not see eye to eye with the township board. So much so that trustees hired someone with no administrative experience to do the job Moore should be doing. The $35,000 salary would be better spent on residents.I brake for snow sculptures:Beware of sudden slowdowns on Arlington Heights Road north of Golf Road in Arlington Heights, where three snow sculptures are attracting attention and providing photo ops. Gaper's delays are a pain, but the sculptures make the classiest yard art around.Rep. Bean doth protest too much: During an editorial board meeting with Rep. Melissa Bean, we innocently asked why there's been no bipartisanship on health care, and the Barrington Democrat huffed, don't ask her, ask the Republicans. Sorry, Congresswoman, it's a fair question for both sides because bipartisanship will only be accomplished if both sides work for it.Ah, yes, gentle thoughts of spring: With pitchers and catchers reporting in Mesa, can spring be far off?Lincoln's getting lost in the shuffle: Is it just us or is all the confusion with Presidents Day starting to undermine the importance of Lincoln's Birthday here in the Land of Lincoln?An apology to Carol Stream parks: In Sunday's editorial, we intended to take a shot at the Glen Ellyn Park District for spending $3.8 million more on a recreation center than voters approved. Problem is, in writing it, we had a brain cramp and wrote Carol Stream rather than Glen Ellyn. Inexcusable. We owe the Carol Stream Park District an apology. We owe one to all our readers too.Requiem for a fighter:In the end, Phoenix couldn't get past her devastating injuries. But the red hawk's fight for life reminded us of the will to live that powers us all.Out with the old: Just because a building is 70 years old and a former village hall doesn't mean it has historic value. The old Hainesville village hall was a squat, red brick structure with one window. We agree with village officials who called it a dump.Targeting the state:Kudos to Naperville Unit District 203 Superintendent Mark Mitrovich and Indian Prairie Unit District 204 Superintendent Kathryn Birkett for urging the state to fulfill obligations. Keep up the pressure.We like animals, but this is ridiculous:A South Elgin man was charged with a felony and accused of throwing a cat and breaking its leg. He also is accused of shoving a woman, a misdemeanor domestic battery charge. If he's found guilty and gets the maximum three years in prison for harming the cat, at least the woman will be safe for a while, right? Ah, justice.