
Check out 'Garden Glitz' during McHenry County Historical Society's annual Elephant Sale July 10-12

The McHenry County Historical Society's popular White Elephant and Garden Glitz sales have been expanded this year to three days.

Shoppers will be rewarded with closeout prices this year starting at 9 a.m. Friday, July 10. The sale continues until 3 p.m. Friday and again from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 11. Those arriving between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday, July 12, will receive markdowns of up to 75 percent. At that price you can afford to fill up a box and sort through it later.

Social distancing and capacity limitations, as outlined by the state, will be observe in the Schuette Building at 6504 Main St. in Union.

Also, masks are required; some will be available for purchase should you forget.

Sale items include everything from glassware to games, vintage clothing to file cabinets, thousands of books, tools, linens, electronics and more - all priced to move.

It will be accompanied by the popular, outdoor "Garden Glitz."

Local nurseries also are partnering with us to add sparkle to the sale. They include Countryside Flower Shop, Nursery and Garden Center, the Gardens of Woodstock, Kolze's Corner Gardens, Hubb's Greenhouse, Hoffie Nursery and Tom's Market.

The opportunity to get out of the house will be accompanied by a village-wide garage sale, food sales by Boy Scout Troop 153 and more.

However, out of safety considerations, the museum will be closed.

The Heritage Fair Car Show and Antique Auction will be move to Cider Fest Sunday, Oct. 4.


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