Images: The Week in Pictures
Ethan Linn, 3, of Libertyville, plays the 'ukulele with his grandfather, Mike McGrath, during "World Play Your 'Ukulele" Day at the Vernon Area Public Library in Lincolnshire on Tuesday. Old Town School of Folk Music teacher Lanialoha Lee taught the class for children ages 3-5.
Gilbert R. Boucher II/
Keynote speaker John Aiello bows his head in prayer during the Arlington Heights 28th Annual Mayor's Community Prayer Breakfast, held at the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington Heights Thursday.
Joe Lewnard/
Archbishop Blase Cupich has a laugh with several seniors as he tours Carmel Catholic High School Thursday in Mundelein. Cupich stopped in classrooms, ate lunch with students and talked with teachers and employees during the hour-long visit.
Gilbert R. Boucher II/
Palatine's Mark Filauri digs his way out of his driveway and clears his mailbox as the suburbs begin to dig out from Sunday's blizzard.
Mark Welsh/
Mundelein resident Peggy Cope clears her neighbor's sidewalk with a snowblower Monday. People spent the morning digging out after a blizzard overwhelmed Lake County on Sunday. More than 18 inches of snow fell on the area, causing school closures and morning difficulty getting out of their driveway.
Gilbert R. Boucher II/
Central Park Tower resident Elizabeth Odumuyiwa gets a hug from Damon E. Duncan, Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Authority of Elgin Tuesday before the groundbreaking for the Central Park Tower Apartments Expansion/Renovation Project part of the Housing Authority of Elgin.
Brian Hill/
Gavin Grampovnik, 6, of Wauconda, and his sister Brinnley, 2, sled downhill with their dad at Lakewood Forest Preserve in Wauconda recently. The weather on this perfect Saturday morning was warm enough to be pleasant, but cool enough that the snow did not melt, giving the family the opportunity to make multiple trips down the hill.
Joe Lewnard/
Owner Juliet LaMarre, of Vintage L'Abeille of Lake Bluff, talks to customers during the Northshore Home and Garden Show Sunday at Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling. The event featured hundreds of home Improvement vendors for remodeling, repairing and beautifying the home.
Gilbert R. Boucher II/
Glenbard East students Andy Margate and Patrick Nauywn, both 15, make Valentines cards for veterans Wednesday after school as part of a district wide event.
Mark Black/
Fermilab operator Dan Dwyer, of Naperville, looks at photographic art by Michael Hoch, of the CMS Detector at the Art@CMS exhibit at Fermilab in Batavia Wednesday. Dwyer helped design some of the fiberoptic cable used in the machinery and was trying to identify the cables in the print. CMS stands for Compact Muon Solenoid.
Laura Stoecker/
Which way should I go? That seems to be the question this picture is asking, don't you think?I saw this the other day when I was out at the lowering of Garfield Farm's 1842 barn in La Fox and I thought that it is interesting. I am guessing that it is some sort of footprint from a bird. If you know what footprint this belongs to, I would love to know. This photo was originally published in the Perspective column in the print edtion of the Daily Herald.
Brian Hill/
A high school varsity swimmer sprints to begin his 50-yard freestyle event during the Downers Grove North Boys Invitational Swimming and Diving Meet. I like the foreground reflection of his supportive teammates. The glass-like portion of the water which shows other swimmers' reflections is caused by this event being started following a 10 minute break where all swimmers were not allowed to enter the pool. This photo was originally published in the Perspective column in the print edtion of the Daily Herald.
Daniel White/
Da Vinci Academy students Eve Partridge and her brother Keith, both 7, of Elgin, react while bowling Thursday. The Elgin school was holding a "Pennies for Pins" bowling fundraiser for Mooseheart students at St. Charles Bowl.
Brian Hill/
Nikko Barczak, 4, and his sister Alessandra, 2, of Aurora, play with a coin spinner at the DuPage Children's Museum, in its temporary location at Westfield Fox Valley shopping center, in Aurora on Friday.
Bev Horne/
Kimber Kieffner, 5, of Mundelein, rolls a ceremonial first ball at the 86th Annual Women's Tournament, hosted by the Lake County USBC Women's Bowling Association, at Lakes Bowl in Round Lake Saturday.
Joe Lewnard/
Matthew Hallberg, 8, of North Aurora, with his 1959 Cadillac "Ecto-Mobile" Ghostbuster car he built with his dad, at the BGV Motorsports 3rd Annual Model Car Indoor Cruise In at The Lodge on 64 in Wasco.
Bob Chwedyk/
Madison Eagon, 8, junior Katie Kauth and Payton Burr, 13, work on crafts during Sunday Fun Day at Grant Community High School field house in Fox Lake. Children, ages 5-14, participated in arts and crafts, basketball, volleyball, acting and a talent show.
Gilbert R. Boucher II/
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