
Oberweis is out of touch

After reading the Daily Herald’s article on Feb. 23, titled, “25th Senate hopefuls talk budget, term limits,” it reinforced my belief that Jim Oberweis is out of touch with the people he wants to represent.

Corinne Pierog and Steven Hunter shared their concerns over how cuts to services for the mentally ill and developmentally disabled would impact the communities. Oberweis responded with an attempt to share hardship in his life. He pointed to a time when he lost a substantial amount of money in the stock market and had to tell his children that there would be no new cars or vacation to Walt Disney World. Where is the comparison?

When many have been laid off and wondering where the next meal and house payment will come from, Mr. Oberweis has come to the reality that he will not be going to Disney World. I understand that millionaires face different obstacle than the middle class and poor do, but it’s important that a senator understands the obstacles confronting their constituents.

Oberweis has been unsuccessful in past attempts at run for office and the voters sent the message that he is out of touch and does not understand their needs. It is my hope that voters will again see Mr. Oberweis’ inability to empathize with the less fortunate.

It is not my intention to make this sound like a Democrat vs. Republican issue. I know few politicians from either party would have made that statement. Budget cuts are important, but empathy is, too. It’s just a flaw that Mr. Oberweis and other millionaires have when running for office.

John Hawkins


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