Midweek Advent study offered at Gary UMC in Wheaton
"An Unlikely Advent" at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton focuses on the experiences of four sets of often-overlooked characters in the Nativity story.
Carey Williams Bebar will lead this Advent study at 7 p.m. Wednesdays from Nov. 29 through Dec. 20.
Focusing on the book, "An Unlikely Advent" by Rachel Billups, readers will go through the themes of hope, love, joy and peace learning the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi and the shepherds.
Each set of unexpected characters has something to teach about living faithfully on the journey to Christmas. Purchase the book on your own or through the church office for $15. Contact office@garychurch.org for more information.
The church at 224 N. Main St. offers 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday worship in the sanctuary. The 9 a.m. worship is complete with Kids' Church and nursery care, plus livestreaming and recorded worship at garychurch.org. The 11 a.m. worship has a more casual feel featuring church musicians. At 10 a.m., you can enjoy a coffee hour called "Special Blend" and Sunday school for all ages. With deep roots in the community since 1853, Gary Church has vibrant music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions.
For more information, go to garychurch.org or contact the church office at office@garychurch.org.