Wheaton's Gary UMC offers Bible study on the book of Ruth
Join the Rev. Jamie Hanna Williams for a six-week exploration of the book of Ruth, starting Wednesday, Sept. 13, at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton.
Set during one of the most corrupt eras of Israelite history, Ruth is a story about three people faced with difficult challenges and choices.
Using "The Epic of Eden: Ruth" by Dr. Sandra Richter, participants will learn how the struggles of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz can help us navigate the turbulent waters of our contemporary world. The class will begin with a video and include a study guide for each participant. Reading during the week is helpful but not required.
Join the class from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to learn more about real people with real fears, struggles, hope and faith. Register at garychurch.org/registrations.
The church at 224 N. Main St. offers 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday worship in the sanctuary. The 9 a.m. worship is complete with Kids' Church and nursery care, plus livestreaming and recorded worship at garychurch.org. The 11 a.m. worship has a more casual feel featuring church musicians. At 10 a.m., you can enjoy a coffee hour called "Special Blend." Sunday school for all ages will begin again on Sept. 10 at 10 a.m. With deep roots in the community since 1853, the church has vibrant music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions. For more information, go to garychurch.org or contact the church office at office@garychurch.org.