Wheaton's Gary UMC to offer 'Three Women, An Advent Study' in December
Learn about what it means to welcome Jesus into the world and into our lives at an Advent study on Sundays, Dec. 4-18, at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton.
You will join three women from the Bible - Mary, Elizabeth and Anna - as they anticipate and receive the coming of Jesus.
The class at 10 a.m. will be led by Beth Felker Jones, a professor of theology at Northern Seminary in Lisle. Jones is the author of many publications including "Practicing Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking & Living Theologically."
Gary United Methodist Church offers 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday services in the sanctuary, 224 N. Main St. in Wheaton. The 9 a.m. service is complete with Kids' Church and nursery care, plus livestreaming and recorded worship at garychurch.org. The 11 a.m. Service of Word & Sacrament is an intimate and informal service. At 10 a.m., you can enjoy a coffee hour called "Special Blend" and Sunday School for all ages. With deep roots in the community since 1853, Gary Church has vibrant music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions. For more information, go to garychurch.org or contact the church office at office@garychurch.org.