Learn how the pipe organ works at Wheaton church May 1
Do you want to know how a pipe organ works, and how it makes all those different sounds?
Organist Kevin Lange will lead an adult education class on Sunday, May 1, following the 9 a.m. service at Gary United Methodist Church, 224 N. Main St. in Wheaton.
In "Pedals, Pipes and Pizzazz," you can listen, learn and ask questions about the king of instruments.
And, you'll discover what the buttons, levers, keys and pedals do.
After the class, you have the opportunity to play the organ yourself, and brief tours of the organ chambers upstairs are available on request.
Gary United Methodist Church offers a 9 a.m. Sunday worship in the sanctuary, complete with Kids' Church and nursery care, plus livestreaming and recorded worship at garychurch.org.
After the service, you can enjoy Sunday school for all ages, plus a coffee hour called "Special Blend."
Gary United Methodist Church has vibrant music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions.
For more information, go to garychurch.org or contact the church office at office@garychurch.org.