
ECC to offer Kids’ College in July

Children can stimulate their minds and satisfy their passion for art, entertainment, academic enrichment and nature at Elgin Community College Kids’ College. The program is Mondays through Thursdays during the weeks of July 11, 18 and 25 at the college, 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin.

Kids’ College offers opportunities for children, age 6 to 16, to explore new activities and interests in a noncompetitive and fun college learning environment. Children can participate in camps that help them brush up on academic and social skills; develop their cultural knowledge; and explore interests in writing, language, and the arts.

Some examples of Kids’ College camps include:

Video Game Making: Learn how to design and modify your own exciting arcade-style video games. You learn how to control characters, objects and outcomes in your game, then increase the difficulty level and add more features. Graphics design and graphics animation topics will also be covered. Learn how to design your own version of PacMan and several other games. Registration deadline is Tuesday, July 5. Space Science and Astronomy Camp: NASA Ambassador Michelle Szybowicz will share her excitement and knowledge about flight and outer space in this camp. Participants will learn what makes things fly by making kites, paper airplanes, and fizzy flyers, and building a Goddard foam rocket.Spanish Fiesta: Children, age 7 to 10, learn Spanish through games, songs, and hands-on activities that make learning another language fun and meaningful. A blend of language, culture, traditions and the arts makes this a fiesta of language learning from salsa making and colorful mosaics to salsa steps and a pinata party. Parents can enroll their children for morning and/or afternoon camps. Children enrolled in both camps must be registered and provide a sack lunch or money to purchase food for the supervised Lunch Bunch. Also, children should bring a snack and water or juice for breaks during the camps.Most of the camps range from $139 to $239. Early registration is recommended as space is limited. Before- or after-camp child care is also available through the college#146;s Early Childhood Laboratory School for parents. Scholarships also are available to assist parents in making Kids#146; College more affordable.For more information, contact Joan Arnal at (847) 214-7123 or Angela Lucca at (847) 214-7645, or visit