
Ramey elected to second term in 55th state House race

Republican Randy Ramey of Carol Stream withstood challenges from both Democratic and Green party candidates in the 55th House District to win a second term.

With 69 of 70 Cook, DuPage and Kane County precincts reporting, Ramey led his opponents with 53 percent of the vote compared to 42 percent for Democrat Broc Montgomery and 5 percent for Green Party candidate Daniel Kairis.

Ramey credited his apparent victory to local successes during his first term, including removing West Chicago's double tax on water and finding money to repair bridges in Bartlett and Wayne Township.

During his new term, Ramey has said he will support releasing the 10th gambling license, a Chicago casino and slots at tracks.

"Most importantly you take care of your local area first then go after the statewide issues," Ramey said Tuesday night. "I knocked on doors, told people what I was about and a majority of them agreed. So taking care of your local stuff will get you elected every time."

Ramey was appointed to the seat in 2005 when Republican Rep. John Millner was selected to fill the vacancy in State Senate District 28. Ramey was elected to the seat in 2006.

Dan Kairis
Broc Montgomery
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