
Morrison, Murphy, Walsh are the future

Many thanks to Tom Morrison on his decision not to accept a pension from the state. Tom Morrison, Joe Walsh and Matt Murphy are the future leaders we can count on. The Democrats still don't get it.

On the local level, why do the schools sign union agreements if they know the increases are not sustainable? Why should taxes increase? Where are the negotiators who signed the agreement? They are accountable. We can blame the unions, but they will ask for increases. It's the management (or the representatives of the taxpayers) that have to address financial issues with the unions.

On the state level, the state employees will suffer due to the outlandish spending by the Democrats in Springfield. Yet, the unions continue to support the Democrats. This myopic view must end. Hold the people responsible who spent the money. Negotiate a contract with the unions that is sustainable without bankrupting taxpayers.

Roman G. Golash
