Last weekend's Mount Prospect Library Book Sale proved popular for all
Business was brisk at the July 30-31 Mount Prospect Friends of the Library book sale as great summer reads, kids' books, mysteries, history, sport, vinyl records, DVDs, CDs and more flew off the shelves. And for a good cause, all book sale funds raised go back to the library.
"It was a fantastic book sale! There were approximately 150 people lined up waiting for the 10 a.m. book sale opening Saturday morning," Friends of the Library board President Pat Klawitter said.
On Sunday, shoppers continued to stop by the cashiers with handfuls of books to pay.
"The target of the book sale is to get books to people to read. Reading is important," Klawitter continued.
People of all ages flocked to the sale, held in the upstairs meeting room, the Friends' book sale room on the ground floor and a section of the garage, which was filled with old and new paper backs on all topics. There is no fee to enter the sale.
One Mount Prospect customer bought several books and other items from each sales area noting, "I teach history and I found great reference and history books I can use." She ventured out of the library sale with three bags full of books and DVDs. Her daughter, helping carry the bags, said she also found a few books to read for the summer.
"During this recession, the library sale provides excellent value for shoppers," a library sale volunteer noted.
Prices ranged anywhere from $50, for rare books, to a quarter.
Many parents said the book sale helps their children get excited about reading as the kids peruse the wide selection of books available to read for bargain prices. Kids' books were indeed popular, especially Disney's "Frozen." One girl was excited because she found not only a colorful book on "Frozen," but it included a snow globe.
A volunteer said sheet music and puzzles were popular. "People really like sheet music and we've begun to get more donated which is great," he said.
The quarterly Friends of the Library book sales are set up by local volunteers meticulously going through donated books, DVDs, CDs, art, vinyl records and more, cleaning them, researching their value, then pricing them. The night before each book sale volunteers, including students from Prospect and Hersey high schools, move all the books and items for sale upstairs and into the garage where they are set up for easy perusing.
"We have great volunteers and are seeking more. They do a fabulous job," Klawitter said.
Not only do Friends of the Library volunteers spend months pricing and sorting donated books, but many are also experts on the stock available allowing them to help shoppers find what they need.
Klawitter said they are seeking additional volunteers to help at the October book sale which would include setting up the sales rooms the day before the sale, organizing the rooms during the sale and packing up after the sale.
"It's about 1 ½ to 3 hours of volunteer work." To sign up as a volunteer, Klawitter said, go to
The next book sale is the weekend of October 22. The holiday book sale will be Saturday, November 19, which will have tons of holiday books, DVDs, music and more on sale.
"We're also taking book donations," Klawitter said. "Donations can be dropped off on the ground floor of the Mount Prospect community garage next to the library at the Friends' room by the ground floor library stairway and elevator.
Funds raised by the sale provide the Mount Prospect library with equipment, programs, services, and other materials that it might not otherwise be able to purchase.
For information go to
"We thank all those for coming out to the sale, it is fun to see everyone. We hope to see everyone again at our October sale," Klawitter said.