
Lisle Township hosts 'Talk Saves Lives' program March 10

Learn how suicide can be prevented during an in-person and online presentation at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 10, at the Lisle Village Hall board room at 925 Burlington Ave., or online

This presentation will cover what we know about this leading cause of death, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to fight suicide.

Participants will learn the common risk factors for suicide, how to spot the warning signs in others, and how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our community safe.

It is brought to you by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in partnership with Lisle Township.

If you have any questions or wish to talk please call the Lisle Township Youth and Family Services Director Sarah Breithaupt at Lisle Township (630) 968-2087, ext. 14 or email

Visit the Facebook event page.

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