
DuPage Medical Group internist on healthy nutrition, exercise habits for summer

Endless sunshine, fun cookouts and outdoor activities are just a few advantages of summer. As you soak up the summer season, here's how you can engage in healthy food and exercise habits.

In the summer, your body tends to sweat more due to the increased heat index. Sweating it out can put you more at risk for losing fluid and electrolytes, potentially leading to low blood pressure, light headiness, confusion and loss of consciousness. To combat these symptoms, beat the heat and quench your thirst, it's crucial that you stay hydrated. Fuel your body with healthy liquids, such as water or juice in addition to water-infused foods including melons, berries, peaches, celery, cucumbers, salads and veggies. These foods are energizing, high in fiber and help to regulate your digestive system.

Other beneficial options are whole grain foods along with citrus fruit, which is rich in vitamin C and advantageous for your skin.

As temperatures spike, to feel your best, stay away from eating fried foods and drinking caffeine and alcohol. You may be wondering, "how can I maintain proper nutrition and practice healthy habits while attending summertime gatherings?"

The key is prioritizing healthier choices, especially fruits and vegetables. For instance, eat lean protein options, such as grilled skinless chicken breasts, turkey or kabobs with vegetables. While it's okay to indulge in pulled pork or barbecue ribs every once in a while, when you do, choose a smaller portion size of these meats and don't eat anything bigger than the palm of your hand. Since each person's dietary needs are distinct, talk to your doctor about the types of foods and beverages that are appropriate for you.

When it comes to maintaining healthy food habits during the summer, another valuable tip is ensuring you avoid foodborne illnesses. Make sure to keep food chilled, wash your hands and utensils and keep all raw food away from other food items.

In addition to establishing good food habits, it's just as important to understand the dos and don'ts of exercise in the summer. First and foremost, before exercising, consult with your physician to discuss suitable options and any restrictions. Strategically planning your exercise habits can help you achieve the optimal benefits of your workout. Hydrate before, during and after exercise while following guidance from your doctor on just how much liquid you should have. If you don't have any medical indications, you can also try drinking a sports drink before exercising to replenish electrolytes that you'll lose while training.

From aerobics, walking, running to swimming, the possibilities for summer exercise are endless. No matter the type, wear light, loose-fitting clothing, sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen to safeguard your body from the sun's blazing rays as well as extreme heat.

When exercising in warmer temperatures, pay attention to your body and how you're feeling. Heat stroke and heat-related illnesses are common conditions throughout this season. To prevent these from occurring, exercise in the shade or in the early morning or evening when the temperature is cooler. Fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramps, vision changes, elevated body temperature or confusion are all signs that you may be pushing your body too far. If you or a loved one present concerning symptoms, stop exercising and seek medical intervention.

Summer only comes around once a year, so make the most of it! Building smart nutrition and exercise habits, will set you up for success today, tomorrow and the unforeseeable future.

• Dr. Irina Domjan is a member of the DuPage Medial Group internal medicine team, dedicated to providing a comprehensive approach to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in adults. From annual physical exams to complicated illnesses, DMG's internal medicine team provides excellent, compassionate patient-focused care. For more information or to schedule an appointment with an internal medicine physician online, visit

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