
Tryon helping to end pay-to-play

We are very lucky in Huntley to have Mike Tryon as our state representative. Despite the Democratic majority in both the House and Senate, Republican Mike Tryon has been able to successfully sponsor and gain approval of several key bills which are now Illinois laws.

He does this by working collaboratively with all legislators; not just those from his own party.

This year Tryon sponsored a Transparency in State Spending bill, and through his efforts citizens can now view all state salaries and contracts online. This new layer of transparency is a significant first step in curtailing the pay-to-play culture that currently exists in Springfield.

Tryon also was the driving force behind the rewrite of the tax cap law. His rewrite saves taxpayers in Illinois millions.

We need more people like Tryon in Springfield and he definitely deserves to be re-elected on Nov. 2.

Matt Melendy
