Our Saviour's Lutheran to host faith and racial justice discussion Feb. 20
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Naperville will host a presentation on faith and racial justice on Monday, Feb. 20.
It will begin at 7 p.m. in the church's Fellowship Center, 815 S. Washington St. All are welcome at this free, public Black History Month event, which also will feature a Mini Soul Food Feast organized by Our Saviour's interim associate pastor Fanya Burford-Berry.
Guest speaking at the special event will be Judith Roberts, senior director for diversity, equity and inclusion at the Chicago-based Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a DuPage County NAACP member.
Roberts, a grandchild of the late C.C. Bryant, a business owner and NAACP leader and activist in Mississippi, will share a presentation on her personal discovery of faith and racial justice through her exploration of her family's connection to the Civil Rights movement.
Ample free parking is available at the Our Saviour's campus, which is located just south of Edward Hospital in Naperville.
For more information on this and upcoming Our Saviour's events, visit oursaviours.com/home/news-events.