
Swings & Slides Soirée benefit for inclusive playground planned for Oct. 5

Join the first "Swings and Slides Soirée' benefiting the Climb Higher at Highland Fund. The fundraiser will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, at La Barra Restaurant, 3011 Butterfield Road in Oak Brook.

Climb Higher at Highland is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to create a safe, inclusive and accessible playground that all children can enjoy, including those with special needs.

The soirée includes dinner, a wine pull, dancing, open bar, and silent auction items and raffles.

Tickets are $75 and can be purchased at

Can't attend? Feel free to make a donation via the website.

All support is greatly appreciated.

Highland Elementary in Downers Grove is a public school which serves nearly 400 students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Ther group, Climb Higher at Highland, was formed as a fundraising initiative to revitalize and rebuild the playground at Highland.

In addition to extensive drainage and usability issues, the current playground is old, rusty, and outdated. Furthermore, much of the equipment no longer meets safety requirements and is challenging for special needs students to navigate and enjoy.

They are raising money to build a playground that is safe, functional, and accessible so that all students can enjoy that much needed movement break during the school day.

The goal is for all students and members of the community - whether they are typically functioning, in wheelchairs, use walkers or have leg braces, and those with physical, sensory, and motor impairments - to be able enjoy the playground as a participant, instead of as an observer.

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