West Aurora Girls basketball team holding tryouts
Daily Herald report
All sixth-grade girls who reside in School District 129 are welcome to try out for the West Aurora Girls Youth Traveling Basketball team from 7 to 8:30 p.m., April 6, 7 and 8, at Jewel Middle School, 1501 Waterford Road, North Aurora.
This is an opportunity to play competitive girls’ basketball with teammates coming right from one’s own school district, and prepare for transition to middle school basketball. Those who make the team will play in spring/summer tournaments. Play is competitive. If a child makes a team, there will be a tournament and uniform fee.
A parent must sign a waiver for a child’s participation in tryouts. Call Tony Smith at (630) 209-0883, or e-mail RASmith317tf@yahoo.com or Connie Siljendahl, West Aurora head girls varsity coach, at CSiljendahl@sd129.org.