
Internet safety, cyberbullying talk in Aurora

Daily Herald report

Parents of students from fourth grade to freshman year at West Aurora Unit District 129 are invited to learn more about “Internet Safety and Bullying” from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27, at Washington Middle School, 231 Constitution Drive, Aurora.

Speakers at this free PTO-sponsored event will be Sarah Migas, Internet safety specialist for the Illinois Attorney General’s office; Barbara Goy, a licensed clinical social worker and program director of the Dunham Student Assistance Center at Breaking Free; and Peter Faulkner, a licensed social worker and counselor at the Dunham Student Assistance Center.

Migas will discuss Internet social networking sites, chat rooms, instant messages, peer-to-peer networks, blogs, cell phones, cyberbullying and sexting.

Goy and Faulkner will talk about the different types of bullying, help participants identify the roles that are present when bullying occurs, and give ideas for interventions for each of the roles.

The Internet safety and bullying sessions will occur concurrently — each presenter will present from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. and then again from 7:15 to 8 p.m.

Reservations are not necessary. For information, contact Michelle Voris at

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