
Ramey still the best choice for 55th Dist.

Randy Ramey is good for the 55th District - not second rate but the best.

Randy voted to ban pay-to-play politics, to improve homeland security measures on the immigration front and defended the 55th District against an onerous budget by voting NO.

Randy is available in our district to discuss issues and on several occasions I have met him personally on a Saturday morning to talk about my concerns. I am not a powerful person or well known, just a citizen of the 55th district.

He is down to earth and concerned about what goes on around here such as the EJ&E buyout issue. He is concerned about what concerns me. I have already early voted for him and I urge everyone in the district to vote for him.

We need to keep this concerned and helpful person in our seat. Others come and go, but they do not have the people at heart.

Jim Richardson


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