
Ramey friendly with both sides of aisle

Having watched Randy Ramey's work as a public servant, first as a trustee in Wayne Township, then as a member of the General Assembly since 2005, I believe that he richly deserves retention in House District 55.

From his first day in Springfield, his was one of the few voices consistently pointing out the flaws in the budget process and in the budgets themselves. With the governor's approval rating at 13 percent, it's now easy for politicians of both parties to criticize Rod Blagojevich's performance in office.

Ramey had the foresight and courage to call out the governor's dangerous fiscal policies and questionable ethics when it was still unpopular to do so. A genial and hardworking legislator, Ramey has the personnel skills to work with both sides of the aisle, and the dedication to do so.

He is respected by fellow Republicans and by Democrats alike. Randy Ramey has served District 55 well for the past four years. I urge them to retain him in office.

It is only by electing more representatives like Randy that the kind of reforms that Springfield so desperately needs to enact in order to save Illinois economy can be achieved.

Rich Trzupek


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