
Electing Mussman a good place to begin

It is my understanding that the premise our Constitution was based on, when our Founding Fathers risked their lives for this country, was that government should be “for the people, and by the people.”

From my perspective, what is a sound concept and has worked well for many years is now out of control. Today it seems, that we have career politicians whose main objective in life is to get elected and then re-elected or elected to a higher office. There is no better example that our current President, although he is just the “tip of the iceberg.” He and most other career politicians, of both parties, are now out campaigning for others if they are not running, instead of tackling the tough economic problems and high unemployment we face today.

In addition most of the ads on TV are negative and focus on slamming their opponent. Here again both parties practice this.

My intent is to get the governing back in the hands of people that will make tough decisions for the good of the county and not special interest groups. I used to think that this was a lost cause since one vote wouldn't make a difference.

Then I read some literature from Michelle Mussman. I couldn't tell what party she was from and I didn't see a single thing, much less negative, about her opponent. She supports term limits to reduce career politicians and fiscal responsibility.

From my perspective if we use technology available to us now, we can get by with less politicians and laws that are a few pages rather than a book.

We need to take back control of our government, one vote and one candidate at a time and Michelle Mussman looks like a good start.

Michael O. Lunda

Elk Grove Village