
Noland wrong on driver's licenses

A state income tax increase, handing out driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Do we really want to re-elect Michael Noland, who supports these issues? Noland feels we should hand out driver's licenses to immigrants so the courts will be freed from the overwhelming number of people who are in court because they were stopped by the police and did not have a driver's license.

Asked about this recently, Noland stated: “I did not say I supported handing out driver's licenses but I did think about it. Although I do think it is a good idea.”

How is the parent of a high school student who pays hundreds of dollars for driving classes going to feel about that?

How do you know that the person you are handing out driver's licenses to can read English, know the driving rules or even have proper vision? There is a reason we study the Rules of the Road and have a vision test when we apply for a driver's license. There is a reason we have laws that require a driver's license to operate a car.

If Noland feels it is a good idea to “give out” driver's licenses, what else will he give away?

Lauren Zannini
