Articles filed under Township Elections
These candidates will make our community betterMar 31, 2021 1:00 am - Why am I voting for Glenview Unite and the Democrats of Northfield Township Slate April 6? As a concerned mom of three small children and an active citizen, I vote for ...
Letter: Northfield Township Supervisor Jill Brickman has dedicated her life to service of othersMar 25, 2021 1:00 am - As April 6 approaches, hopefully many are planning to exercise our patriotic privilege to vote. In exercising this privilege, please give serious consideration to a cand...
Schaumburg Library hosting virtual candidate forums March 13-15Mar 12, 2021 12:00 am - Voters are welcome to meet candidates running for several local elections during online forums this weekend via the Schaumburg Township District Library. These nonpartis...
'All politics are local': Palatine league organizes 16 virtual election forumsFeb 25, 2021 12:00 am - The League of Women Voters of the Palatine Area worked hard to organize 16 virtual candidate forums in March for elections in the Northwest suburbs, and really wants to ...
Schaumburg GOP to host forum for township, library candidates Feb. 27Feb 24, 2021 12:00 am - The Schaumburg Township Republican Organization will hold a forum for the Republican township trustee candidates and candidates in the nonpartisan Schaumburg Township Di...
Judge reinstates GOP slate in Maine Township racesFeb 17, 2021 12:00 am - A Cook County judge has reversed the earlier decision of the Maine Township electoral board and reinstated a Republican slate of candidates for township offices on the A...
League to host forum for Bloomingdale Township candidaes Feb. 28Feb 16, 2021 10:00 pm - The League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale and the DuPage County NAACP will host a virtual forum for Bloomingdale Township candidates on Sunday, Feb. 28. It will...
February primary features two Republican candidates for Algonquin Township highway commissionerFeb 15, 2021 12:00 am - Two Republican candidates are duking it out for a shot to appear on the April 6 ballot for Algonquin Township highway commissioner. The winning candidate among Robert "B...
Algonquin Township Republican primary set for Feb. 23 will decide new supervisorFeb 15, 2021 12:00 am - In the Republican primary set for Feb. 23, voters will decide who will serve as Algonquin Township's next supervisor, one of only two races for the township - the second...
Virtual Elgin-area candidate forumsFeb 15, 2021 12:00 am - The League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area has issued invitations for virtual candidate forums to 69 candidates running for office in 15 contested races in the April 6...