
St. Matthew UCC members continue mission of service in Biloxi, Mississippi

A team from St. Matthew United Church of Christ in Wheaton recently returned from the Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi, where they worked to restore and renovate homes along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

"It's a service project that our folks have been taking part in for over 35 years," said Pastor Erin Wyma. "Although we're invested in serving our local community, our history with Back Bay Mission and their loving, respectful approach to helping people and strengthening neighborhoods is really important to our congregation."

This was the 10th trip for Dorothy Peterson.

"We were able to work on two homes this year, painting and installing new floors, bathroom, and kitchen cabinets," Peterson said. "I've also worked at their food pantry and Day Center which is a great chance to hear from people directly on what their needs are."

Wyma added, "we are passionate about community building, advocacy, and activism as we share the transformative love of God. We're a welcoming church to all, trying to live out our faith in all we do."

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