
Pritzker Military Museum & Library to Host On War Military History Symposium March 31st to April 1st

The Pritzker Military Museum & Library (PMML) will host its annual On War Military History Symposium from March 31 to April 1, 2022, in honor of the 2021 Pritzker Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing award recipient, Dr. Margaret MacMillan. The Symposium will consider the current state of military history under the theme of "What is Military History Today?"

Individual panel sessions will explore and identify today's challenges in researching, writing, and presenting military history and how they are impacted by the needs and interests of diverse audiences. Perspectives from the academic community, military professionals and the public will be examined.

"We are being reminded yet again by the events in Ukraine of how important it is to study and understand war," said Dr. Margaret MacMillan. "The symposium will provide a much-needed opportunity to bring together some of those involved in military history, from historians to curators, to explore and debate this crucial subject. Our discussions will guide us in exploring old and new topics and ways of reaching out to the public."

The Symposium will kick off on Thursday, March 31, at 4 p.m. with a discussion of the theme, "What is Military History Today?" Panelists will share insights from their research, teaching, publishing, and working with various institutions and organizations concerned with military history. Panelists for this session include Dr. Matthew Muehlbauer, Pritzker Military Museum & Library Historian; Dr. Beth Bailey, University of Kansas; Dr. Allan R. Millett, University of New Orleans; and Dr. Michael Neiberg, U.S. Army War College. Following the panel discussion, a cocktail reception will be held from 5:15 to 6 p.m. The evening will conclude with a seated dinner as Dr. Margaret MacMillan discusses how scholars and writers have engaged with military history throughout her career.

On Friday, April 1, in-person attendees will enjoy three panel discussions, along with a continental breakfast and lunch. The first session, "Museums and Memorialization," will begin at 9 a.m. This panel will explore the roles that museums play in the commemoration of military service and how they are impacted by popular and academic understandings of military history. Panelists will include Dr. Krewasky Salter, First Division Museum at Cantigny Park; Ms. Tammy E. Call, National Museum of the U. S. Army; Dr. Matthew C. Naylor, National World War I Museum and Memorial; and Dr. Margaret MacMillan, University of Toronto.

The second session, "Violence, Atrocity, and the Restraint in War," will begin at 10:35 a.m. This group of panelists will explore how military historians address several sensitive and essential topics. Issues such as the extent of violence employed by armed forces, how incidents of atrocity are treated, the contexts in which they occur, and how they examine and evaluate efforts of military organizations to observe limits on the use of force will be discussed. This session's panelists are Dr. John Morrow, University of Georgia; Dr. Gregory Daddis, San Diego State University; Dr. Noriko Kawamura, Washington State University; and Dr. Margaret MacMillan, University of Toronto.

The final session on Friday will start at 1:20 p.m. and addresses “Lessons to be Learned: Writing the Military History of the Post-Cold War Period. The military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are of particular interest in this session. The panelists will assess and consider how different audiences, mainly academics and military professionals, use these histories. Panelists in this session are Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria II, U.S. Army War College; Dr. Anthony E. Carlson, U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies; Dr. Daniel Marston, John Hopkins University; and Dr. Mary Elizabeth Walters, U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College.

"This year's symposium brings together published scholars, accomplished teachers of both civilian students and military officers, and museum professionals skilled in the preservation of records and artifacts for future generations," said Matthew Muehlbauer, Pritzker Military Museum & Library Historian. "They will be providing a robust range of perspectives on questions integral to the current state of military history. We encourage all those interested in the field to attend this wonderful event, either in person in our Chicago location, or via livestream."

The Symposium will take on a hybrid format welcoming in-person and virtual participants. Virtual and in-person ticket options are available. Learn more about each panelist and register by visiting the Museum & Library's website.

About Pritzker Military Museum & Library

The Pritzker Military Museum & Library aims to increase the public's understanding of military history, military affairs, and national security by providing a forum for the study and exploration of our military - past, present, and future - with a specific focus on their stories, sacrifices, and values. With national and global reach, these spaces and events aim to share the stories of those who served and their contributions as citizen soldiers, helping citizens everywhere appreciate the relationship between the armed forces and the civilians whose freedoms they protect. A non-governmental, non-partisan organization, the Museum & Library features diverse collections, scholarly initiatives, and public programs from its flagship center in downtown Chicago to its world-class research center and park currently under construction in Somers, Wisconsin.

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