
Lettuce Wraps

1 lettuce leaf1 tabplespoon any of the following: chopped apples; chopped celery; walnuts or pecans; raisins or dried cranberries1 tablespoon vanilla yogurtPick the largest, most pliable lettuce leaves that you can find. Leaf lettuces work really well for this.Rinse the lettuce leaves in cold water and pat dry between sheets of paper towels.Add spoonfuls of chopped apples; chopped celery; walnuts or pecans; and raisins or dried cranberries in the center of the leaf. Each person can choose his or her own mix of ingredients.Add a dollop of vanilla yogurt.Fold the lettuce lengthwise over the toppings and then fold up the ends, like a burrito or little package.Pick up and eat!Serves one.Robin Schell, school garden coordinator of Rural Resources in Greeneville, Tenn., from "A White House Garden Cookbook" (2010 Red Rock Press, $25)