
Home & garden calendar, Feb. 9-15

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Monday, Feb. 10

Gardeners of Central Lake County Garden Club, “How Corn Changed Itself and Then Changed Everything Else”: 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10 at CrossLife Evangelical Church, 431 W. Austin, Libertyville. Presented by Cynthia Clampitt.

Tuesday, Feb. 11

Gardens, Et Cetera of Wheaton, “Backyard Birds of DuPage County”: 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, at Gary Methodist Church, 224 N. Main St., Wheaton, presented by DuPage Forest Preserve. Light refreshments will be served. The public is welcome. Call Kathryn at (630) 408-5487.

Garden Club of Lake Zurich, “Leslie Goddard as Lady Bird Johnson”: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 11, at Ela Public Library, 275 Mohawk Trail, Lake Zurich. History will come to life with a live portrayal by Leslie Goddard of Lady Bird Johnson, the iconic first lady who shaped the nation’s environmental legacy and inspired millions with her vision for a more beautiful America. Experience her story as you immerse yourself in Lady Bird’s journey from her Texas roots to her profound impact on conservation, education and civil rights. Guests welcome. Refreshments served. For more information, visit

Mount Prospect Garden Club, “Plant Propagation”: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, at Mount Prospect Village Hall, Farley Room, 50 S. Emerson St., Mount Prospect. Dolly Swibes Foster will appear via Zoom to discuss procedures and pitfalls of propagating plants, whether from stem cuttings, layering or divisions. Foster is a horticulturist and a certified arborist who raises monarch and swallowtail butterflies. Social time starts at 9:30 with the speaker at 11 a.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 12

Rolling Meadows Garden Club, “Plant Parenthood Made Simple”: 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, at Rolling Meadows Community Center, 3705 Pheasant Drive, Rolling Meadows. Ann Vo, owner of Sunnyside Plants in Jefferson Park, Chicago, will discuss indoor plant care, bust common myths and share tips to help you grow with confidence. Vo will be bringing a selection of indoor houseplants including tropical and succulents for sale and education. Visit

Schaumburg Community Garden Club, “Protecting the Night Sky”: 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, at Spring Valley Nature Center, 1111 E Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg. Adam Kreuzer, a delegate with the International Dark-Sky Association, will discuss protecting the night sky from light pollution. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Visit

Saturday, Feb. 15

Seed Swap & Seed Library Kickoff: 2 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at St. Charles Public Library, 1 S. 6th Ave., St. Charles. Swap seeds with local gardeners. This will also be your first chance to get seeds from our heirloom seed library. (630) 584-0076.

Seedling sale

Organic Seedlings Sale: It’s never too early to start thinking about your spring garden. The First Congregational United Church of Christ’s 11th annual Organic Seedlings Sale is underway. Preorders for certified organic vegetable, herb and annual flower seedlings will be taken through Feb. 28. Seedlings can be ordered by going to the church website: Seedlings will be available for pickup at the church’s Green Garden Fair 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 10, at the church at 235 S. Kenilworth in Elmhurst.


Tuesday, Feb. 18

Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners, “Sustainable Landscaping”: 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, at Batavia Public Library, 10 S. Batavia Ave., Batavia. Beth Peluse, a Conservarion@Home Program Manager at The Conservation Foundation, will present “Sustainable Landscaping: Creating Beautiful and Environmentally Responsible Outdoor Spaces.” She will speak about the design of outdoor spaces that attract wildlife, conserve resources and create lasting beauty — all while reducing maintenance costs and environmental impact. For more information, visit or email

Tuesday, Feb. 25

Grayslake Greenery Garden Club “Dietary Strategies to Optimize Cognitive Health”: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, at State Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive, Grayslake (Community Room, lower level). Veronica Porter will share why the food we eat can have a big impact on the structure and health of our brains. The microbiome of your soil matters to your microbiome. Porter is a licensed chef with a master’s degree in organic urban farming and gardening. Guests welcome, no charge. Visit for more info.

Friday, Feb. 28

Lombard Garden Club, “Ohara Ikebana Arrangements”: 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, at Lombard Community Building, 433 E. St. Charles Road, Lombard. E-Ling Lou will demonstrate Ohara Ikebana, the Japanese art of arranging flowers, branches, leaves and stems as materials in natural, serene works of art. Several creations will be raffled off to members. Public is welcome; free. Visit

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