
Deadline Approaching For Annual Writing Contst

The deadline is fast approaching for the Mundelein Arts Commission's short story contest. The MAC has decided to extend the deadline to October 8, to allow all writers the chance to get their stories in. Stories submitted after that date will not be accepted. If too few stories are entered, the contest will not continue.

This year's theme is "Fractures," and writers may interpret the theme however they wish. Interested writers are urged to read and follow all the rules, which are posted at the Arts Commission's website at, along with the 2023 entry form. Any questions may be sent to

Prizes will be $50 for first place, $30 for second and $20 for third place. Winning stories and any Honorable Mentions will be published in the annual anthology Mundelein Writes: Fractures. After publication, writers will retain copyright of their stories.

In addition, local artists are encouraged to submit drawings and sketches inspired by the theme as well, to be inserted throughout the volume. There is no payment for these, but the artists will be published and recognized for their work.

This year's judge will be Jennifer Companik, a fiction editor for TriQuarterly, the Northwestern University literary journal. She holds an M.A. from Northwestern and is the author of Check Engine and Other Stories, which was featured on CLMP's "Reading List for National Hispanic Heritage Month 2021. Some of her other accomplishments include: first prize, The Ledge's 2014 Fiction Awards; a Pushcart Prize nomination from Border Crossing; and writing appearing or forthcoming in: The Evansville Review; The London Reader; Another Chicago Magazine; and Snarl. You can learn more about her and her writing at

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