Elgin Vineyard to welcome Ukrainian refugee family with Wheaton pastor Aug. 21
When Ihor and Marinha Khatuntsev fled Ukraine with their sons in May of this year, they got out of the country with one bag each and were forced to leave everything else behind.
Less than three months later, now settled in the Wheaton area, they enjoy a fully furnished home and own the same make and model of car they had in Europe.
"Once they got here, God just provided for them in crazy ways," said Dave Frederick, pastor of Wheaton's Vineyard Church of DuPage. "I can't tell you how many times people that I don't even know have given me money and gift cards for them. Thousands of dollars worth."
Frederick will be at Vineyard Church of Elgin on Sunday, Aug. 21, to tell a bit of the story, how it affected his church, and how God has used it in a variety of ways.
His message is titled "Generosity, Joy and Power."
The Khatuntsev family will be coming with him, and they plan to sing "Amazing Grace" in Ukrainian.
"Our church is pretty generous," Frederick said, "but to see how God multiplied our gifts has been pretty shocking. It's the impact and power of generosity. When you as a church or as a person learn to become more generous, your joy increases, and we see more power in ministry."
The service at Elgin Vineyard begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Early birds can select from a variety of free coffees downstairs, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
For more information, visit www.elginvineyard.com or view www.facebook.com/ElginVineyard.