Lisle Library District participates in BioBlitz
The Lisle Library District is joining "The Pollinators of DuPage BioBlitz" from Aug. 20-28.
This citizen science opportunity allows participants to learn about local nature while providing findings to scientific data repositories. Participants will download the iNaturalist app and upload photos of flowers, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, bees, flower flies and beetles.
The landscaping at the library at 777 Front St. is a natural place to start, as many bees and butterflies flock to the native plants and pollinator garden.
"Our goal here is to create a thriving habitat and bountiful food source for pollinators by planting a variety of natives with different bloom seasons," said Adult Services Paraprofessional Rochelle Storm, who also tends to the pollinator garden.
While at the library taking photos, patrons can also create their own natural landscape using the LLD Seed Library. The Seed Library is filled with flowers, gourds, herbs and vegetable seeds that patrons can checkout and plant in their own yards.
"The more native plants we bring back into our surroundings, the richer the environment for insect life, birds and biodiversity in general," said Storm.
The BioBlitz is a collaboration with DuPage Monarch Project, of which the library is a member.