
Serve up fresh favorites with themed garden

Perhaps you fancy salads, or your family loves salsa. Sue Ryba, gardening and landscape expert at Bertog Landscape Company, Wheeling, says, "Plant theme gardens in containers to bring summer freshness to your table.

"People who have small spaces to garden can use containers to foodscape," Ryba said. "Grow what your family loves to eat. For example, tomatoes in a large container with herbs like oregano or basil provide the produce for a fresh and yummy pizza garden."

If you've started growing tomatoes, add in a few varieties of peppers, both hot and sweet, to grow your own salsa garden. Grow a garden for pastas and sauces with herbs such as oregano, basil, rosemary and sage. You might also try homemade pesto with homegrown basil.

"Start with a few vegetables like zucchini or green peppers and you have the basic ingredients for some great Italian dishes," she said. "Grow a variety of lettuce, red bell peppers, cucumbers and add your favorite herbs for a wonderful salad garden."

Most herb and vegetable plants are still available from your area independent garden center, as are containers for growing them in a variety of styles and sizes.

A raised bed is also a great "container" for growing larger yields. Easy to assemble kits are readily available online and from most garden supply stores. Bertog also provides raised beds, including soil and installation.

Ryba offers two summer recipes. One for garden pasta salad and the other for easy pesto sauce. The summer pasta dish can be served as a main or side dish.

For summer pasta, use two of each: zucchini, red or green peppers, and tomatoes. Blanch zucchini and peppers. Chop eight fresh oregano and basil leaves. Add eight small, fresh mozzarella cheese balls and ¼ cup olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix with one cup pasta. Marinate overnight for best results. Serves four.

Ryba's simple pesto recipe can be adjusted based on your taste preferences and servings. Start with one cup fresh basil. Don't over wash the basil, as the flavor is in the oil on the leaves. Pat the leaves dry. Add two to three tablespoons of pine nuts or walnuts. (Omit the nuts if allergic.) Roast the nuts in a small pan. Add ½ cup of quality olive oil. Ryba says the better the oil the better the outcome. Add ½ cup of freshly grated Pecorino Romano cheese. For milder flavor, use Parmesan cheese. Add two or three cloves of garlic and salt to taste. Pepper is optional. Blend all ingredients until creamy. Add more oil or cheese to get a desired consistency and flavor.

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