
Deaf Ninja Kyle Shultze joins Hears2You event at Ultimate Ninja Libertyville

Sixty plus students that are Deaf/Hard of Hearing from around Lake County joined teachers and staff along with American Ninja Warrior Kyle Schultze in an event sponsored by Hears2You at Ultimate Ninja in Libertyville Saturday afternoon.

Tracy Aleckson, coordinator of this event, is passionate about getting students from around the county together to meet others "just like them!" Students had the opportunity to be a ninja for the day and explore the various obstacles and warp wall that Ultimate Ninja has to offer. Students stepped out of their comfort zone to try new things which is so empowering! The highlight of this event was a talk and Q&A with Kyle Schutlze who himself knows exactly what it's like to grow up with a hearing loss. He shared his personal story of growing up and what eventually led him to try out for the American Ninja Warrior television show. Embracing who you are and believing in yourself was a theme of his talk. An incredible day with an inspiring Deaf role model that won't be forgotten by those in attendance.

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