
Assisted living facility pitched for Schaumburg's former Motorola campus

The latest proposed project for the redevelopment of the former Motorola Solutions campus in Schaumburg is an assisted living and memory care facility with 110 units in a four-story building.

Schaumburg's zoning board Wednesday unanimously recommended approval of the Harbor Retirement Development at the southwest corner of Algonquin Road and Progress Parkway, the recently completed spine road through the Veridian Development.

Harbor Retirement Development LLC is based in Vero Beach, Florida, and is the contract purchaser of the 6-acre site that largely fills the non-wetland area between Progress Parkway and Drink Nightclub to the west.

The 78 assisted living units would be in the four-story part of the building, divided between 66 one-bedroom units and 12 two-bedroom units. The units would not have cooking or laundry facilities.

The 32 memory care units -- 24 one-bedroom private units and 8 two-bedroom semiprivate units -- would be in a single-story area of the building.

Because the previously approved zoning for the Veridian Development carries a three-story height minimum, the developers are seeking a variance for the one-story portion - an ironic reversal for a suburban project.

The common areas of the facility would include a choice of dining options, a spa and fitness center, a resident lounge, craft center, classroom and two courtyards.

The project follows an already approved Topgolf entertainment center and a 260-unit apartment building, both of which will lie to the south along Progress Parkway.

Demonstrating the variety of uses for the 225-acre Veridian Development, as well as further defining its western border, are just two of the strengths of the proposal, said Bob Burk, managing partner of UrbanStreet Group LLC, the master developer for the entire site.

"We're thrilled to have it," he said. "We love the idea of a wide range of housing stock. It's an extremely small part of the aggregate, but it's important to have a bandwidth of housing opportunities."

Schaumburg's village board is scheduled to vote on final approval Tuesday, Jan. 22.

No additional formal proposals are yet before the village, but Burk said he's continuing to speak with potential corporate users as well as other developers.

The ultimate goal of the Veridian Development, which stretches south and west from the corner of Algonquin and Meacham roads, is to create a dense, urban mix of stores, multifamily residences, restaurants, office buildings, entertainment venues and more.

By this summer, 1.8 million square feet of former Motorola buildings on the site will have been razed. When that's done, all that will remain of Motorola on the land are a six-story office building in the center of the site, the former credit union building on Algonquin Road and a small welcome center.

Although Motorola Solutions moved its headquarters to Chicago in 2016, about 1,600 employees remain.

Zurich North America built its current 783,800-square-foot headquarters next door along the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway.

The latest proposal for the redevelopment of the former is a 110-unit assisted living and memory care facility at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Progress Parkway. Schaumburg's zoning board recommended the plan Wednesday. Courtesy of village of Schaumburg
Florida-based Harbor Retirement Development LLC is proposing a 110-unit assisted living and memory care facility at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Progress Parkway in the northwest corner of the redeveloping former Motorola Solutions campus in Schaumburg. Courtesy of village of Schaumburg
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