
Schaumburg finalizes vision for former Motorola site

Schaumburg trustees Tuesday formalized the village's vision for the future of the former Motorola Solutions campus as a virtually self-contained community of offices, homes, stores, restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues on 225 acres.

They unanimously approved a revision of the village's comprehensive land-use plan specifically related to the telecommunications giant's ex-corporate headquarters at the southwest corner of Algonquin and Meacham roads.

Though the village expects to update the entirety of its 22-year-old comprehensive plan next month, the revision to the former Motorola site's identity has been an almost separate process over the past two years that coincidentally ended at nearly the same time as the rest of the plan, Village Manager Brian Townsend said.

The updated plan will reflect the village's own preferences for the future use of the site, having worked with consultant Ginkgo Planning and Design of Orland Park. Though landowner and development firm UrbanStreet Group LLC has had input, the village has accepted only suggestions compatible with its own vision, Townsend said.

As a comprehensive plan is a policy document and not a regulatory document, its revision doesn't automatically approve any specific development proposal. But neither does it necessarily exclude any suggestions that have been made for the site so far, Townsend said.

The only specific proposal submitted so far has been for a Topgolf sports entertainment facility. But Bob Burk, managing partner of UrbanStreet Group, recently said his own firm is working on a loft-style apartment building while negotiating with other developers on plans for owner-occupied row homes, a senior housing facility and medical office building.

Though the Motorola campus was originally 322 acres, the land not owned by Burk's firm is already the site of Zurich North America's new headquarters, as well as Motorola's own downsized remaining presence.

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