U-46 candidate forum set for March 9
The Elgin Area School District U-46 Citizens' Advisory Council will host a candidate forum on Thursday, March 9, to help residents learn more about the five board of education candidates running for three open seats. Daily Herald reporter and columnist Kerry Lester will moderate the forum, which will be 7 to 9 p.m. in the auditorium at the U-46 Educational Services Center, 355 E. Chicago St., Elgin.
Current board president Donna Smith of Hanover Park, board members Veronica Noland of Elgin and Cody Holt of Elgin, Citizens' Advisory Council chairwoman Melissa Owens of Bartlett and Enoch Essendrop of Elgin are competing for the three open seats.
Voters will be asked to select their top three choices during the 2017 Consolidated Election on Tuesday, April 4. The open seats are four-year terms.
Voters must be at least 18 years of age, a United States citizen and live within the district boundaries, located in parts of Cook, DuPage and Kane counties.
Voter cards with polling place information will be mailed to registered U-46 voting residents. Citizens may register to vote at local county clerk offices or at Department of Motor Vehicles locations. For more information, visit www.kanecountyelections.org.