
West Chicago Lions Offer Human Service Scholarship

The Lions Club of West Chicago is pleased to announce its scholarship program for the graduating class of 2012. The Club has approved an increase in the Scholarship Amount will award a $2,000 scholarship to a graduating senior for post high school education in the area of human services including teaching, social work, medical professions, etc.

All graduating seniors who resides within the West Chicago 60185 zip code area, regardless of school attended are eligible to make application and will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:

1) High school grade point average

2) Participation in community and school activities

3) Intent to enroll in a post-high school education leading to employment in the human service areas that include teaching, nursing, other health careers, counseling, social services, etc.

4) An essay describing your accomplishments and why you have chosen your intended field

5) Strength of character as evidenced by two letters of recommendation

Applications forms are available in the high school counseling offices. A completed application with the essay, a list of school and community activities, two letters of recommendation and an official copy of the applicant's transcript are to be included.

The deadline for submission of all applications and supportive materials is May 18, 2012. Applications should be mailed to Lori Chassee, 841 Lawrence, West Chicago, IL 60185. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applicants will be notified by mail of the decision of the West Chicago Lions Club Scholarship Committee. The decision of the Club will be final.

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