
Education at a reasonable cost?

I’m seriously sick of being harassed by the schools for payment of fees. I make payments in full and on time. I got a call today asking why I sent only $100 instead of the $547. I am well aware of the fees and literally have no more money.

Grandparents are having to pay for my child’s sports fees, which have more than doubled over the last two years.

I resent being treated like a deadbeat who doesn’t pay. I am sick an tired of our government handing out entitlements like they are Tic Tacs. I guess I just don’t lie on the correct forms to get a handout.

They are now putting the hammer down on anyone they can to get paid because I’m sure the state hasn’t paid them, either.

Illinois is in a world of hurt financially and the lack of funding for our education system is just the beginning.

Anyone else fed up yet? I guess they better start building more prisons because even free school isn’t keeping the graduation rate up.

Sheryl Frazier

South Elgin