
Peace group brings speaker on Gaza conflict to MCC

A new student peace group at McHenry County College is reviving the popular Current American Issues seminar series at the school. On Thursday, Feb. 12, they will present "The Road to Gaza: How Did We Get Here?" at 7 p.m. in room B177C at the college, 8900 Route 14 in Crystal Lake.

Todd Culp will be the featured speaker. Culp teaches history and political science at MCC and holds a Ph.D. in Political Science with intensive study in political violence, terrorism, and insurgency.

His work for reconciliation between the Israelis and the Palestinians includes developing and leading study groups throughout the Middle East where he joins local organizations working to bring Israelis and Palestinians together and creating enduring friendships. He organized and raised funds for a construction project, leading a group of volunteer builders from the Rockford community to assist in building an interfaith college in January 2009. While there he became an eyewitness to the devastating results of the ongoing conflict. He will discuss the current situation and analyze the key events leading up to the Gaza War.

The Current American Issues Seminar is sponsored by the MCC Student Peace Action Network and the McHenry County Peace Coalition. The program is free and open to the public.

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